LIC employees hold seminar on ‘Life & Mission of Ambedkar’

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 21: The insurance employees under the banner of Northern Zone Insurance Employees’ Association held a seminar on the topic “The Life  and Mission Of Baba Saheb Dr B R Ambedkar,” here today.
A large number of people participated in the programme, which  was organized to celebrate the birth anniversary of Dr  Bhim Rao Ambedkar to motivate the people to follow the teachings of the great legend.
Speaking on the occasion, Comrade Pawan Gupta, Divisional secretary NZIEA,  said that Dr  Ambedkar was not only a Dalit icon as he had definite views on minorities, women, working class and other deprived sections of the Indian society. “Dr Ambedkar wrote in the Constitution that the State must reorganize the economic system in a way to avoid concentration of wealth in a few hands. He was absolutely clear that excessive concentration of wealth would lead to greater inequalities and Dalits and weaker sections of society will suffer most. He had a very clear view that casteism always leads to division of labourers, and so class struggle must be effective to overcome the adverse effects of the casteism,” he said.
It was pledged to pay real tribute to Dr  Ambedkar by strengthening the struggle against the forces of neo liberalism, globalization, communalism, and by integrating the class struggle with the struggle against caste exploitation by building the broadest possible unity of Dalits and all toiling masses in a struggle for economic emancipation as well as social emancipation.
Com Pawan Gupta strongly opposed the policies of the NDA Government, which during the last four years, has resulted into increasing the rate of farmers’ suicides,  attack on the working class by snatching their rights and amending the labour laws into favour of the corporates,  increased atrocities on Dalits and Aadivasies and  increased rate of rapes and exploitation of women.
Others,  who spoke on the occasion, included  Comrade Romesh Chand, Com  Rajesh Gupta ,joint secretaries of NZIEA Srinagar Division, Com  Raj Kumar Sharma, Com. Dinesh Sharma, Com Rajesh Kumar, Com  Neelam Sharma, Com  Rekha,   Com  Alkiya Sharma, Com Vijay Kumar , Com  Tilak, Com  Karan Kumar and Com  Kishore Lal.