SDPO West briefs on use of social media

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 21: SDPO West Pranav Mahajan today held a meeting with the youth of Jammu who are active on social media through different platforms. The meeting was held in the context of the ever expanding and increasing role,both positive and negative, of the social media in the society.
Pranav Mahajan made them aware about the various cyber laws and the related rules and regulations. The participants were advised that they should always conform to these rules and regulations and should post any material on social media in a responsible manner and only after proper verification.
Pranav while elucidating the scope and impact of the social media,  emphasized that social media is a double edged sword and has enormous impact, both qualitatively as well as quantitatively, in the constructive and the destructive spheres. “Hence we need to use its positive sides only,” he added.
The youth was made aware about the various new trends in the field of the social media. It was also discussed that how a positive role of social media can open new areas of opportunities, name, fame and economic avenues for the youngsters. A need for a common social platform was also impressed upon.
The youth put forward a variety of new ideas and also described that how they are using the various platforms available on social media for various constructive and fruitful works. They all assured full cooperation to the police in various endeavours.