Raped 2 yrs back, 14yr-old girl seeks justice

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 21: A 14-year-old girl from Bani tehsil, who was allegedly raped by a youth about two years back, today demanded justice for her, saying that police is busy in hushing up the case.
Addressing a press conference here at Press Club, the victim, who was accompanied by his father, alleged that two-years back when she was about 12 years old, a boy from an influential family of the area stopped her way in the forest and raped her, while she was grazing her goats.
The victim told reporters that after committing the crime, the accused boy threatened her of dire consequences if she would report the matter to her family or police. “Therefore I did not tell anybody about this”, she added.
“However, after some months, I fell sick, following which my mother took me to doctor after which the family questioned me and then I revealed them about the rape episode”, she told reporters.
The father of the victim, told reporters that after came to know about the crime committed on their minor daughter, he along with medical report of the doctor went to concerned police station and lodged a complaint against the accused, who was identified as Binu son of Bansi Ram, resident of Bani.
He said that instead of arresting the accused boy, the concerned police tried to hush up the case and till date no action was taken against the accused, who belong to a well off family of the area. He further claimed that they were even offered Rs 5 lakh to make the girl change her statement and name some other as accused in the case instead of the real accused.
Stating that in last two years, he approached every senior officer of the police to seek justice, but nothing was done to give them justice, the aggrieved father demanded justice for her daughter. “I want to see the accused behind the bars and a stern punishment for him”, he added.