Road Safety Week

This has reference to the news item ’29th National Road Safety Week begins across State’ DE Apr 24.
It is good to see that efforts are being made to make public aware of road safety through multiple programmes during 29th National Road Safety Week underway in Jammu and Kashmir as well.
But is one week enough  to make public sensitive towards this vital issue. It has been observed that these ‘Weeks’ do not bring the desired results as are needed to ensure safety on roads. Jammu and Kashmir, one can say has a bad record in this matter.
To achieve the objective, it is essential that the Traffic Department develops a mechanism which would create awareness among people to a level where they would no longer require these rituals.
The people should voluntarily adopt traffic rules and follow them sincerely.
After assuming charge of IGP Traffic, Basant Rath has to some extend succeeded in sentising the people about Road Safety Rules. He will succeed in this mission fully only when people cooperate with him.
Yours etc…
Virender Mahajan