Team Jammu urges Govt to plug all drug smuggling routes

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 25: Making a fervent appeal to the State Government for plugging all routes being used by drug mafia to bring drugs into J&K and thereby spoiling the future of younger generation, Team Jammu today demanded time bound framing of rules under NDPSA to facilitate early establishment of sufficient number of drugs de-addiction centres across the State.
These views were aired by the members of Team Jammu during a meeting held at its head office, under the chairmanship of Zorawar Singh Jamwal. The meet opined that unless the routes are completely plugged, the drug menace cannot be eradicated from the State.
Chairman, Team Jammu, Zorawar Singh Jamwal said that even as the Government has off late constituted a high level committee to frame rules under NDPSA to facilitate establishment of sufficient number of drugs de-addiction centres across the State, the same may not see the light of the day, if it is not directed to frame rules in a specific time period.
“Lack of interest of the Government agencies towards the burning issue can be gauged from the fact that the State Level Apex Committee of multiple agencies, which has the mandate to prepare action plan to eliminate the nuisance with iron hands, has failed to meet during the past over five years,” he added.