Unjustified move against students

The motive may well be administratively a short term requirement dictated by some law and order reasons but to ban tuition centres in  whole of the State of the Jammu and Kashmir is gratuitous, ill- advised and un called for. To put it in simpler words, Jammu students, due to enforcement of this order, too have to suffer and see their career being affected for no fault of theirs but presumably due to some problems in Kashmir valley which the Education Minister termed as “major distraction”.
We see neither any merit nor any rationale behind ordering closure of all private tuition centres in  whole of Jammu and Kashmir for three months dictated solely by local considerations  of “distraction” of students confined to a few isolated pockets of Kashmir. With this unreasonable and unjustifiable order issued by the State Education Minister, innocent,hard working and serious about studies students  of Jammu are going to suffer immensely and in plain words, is tantamount to playing with their academic  career.
It may be recalled that as per the State Education Minister, the coaching centres were to be “major distractions” for the students. The decision of the Government in improving the educational standards in the educational institutions is not contested, in fact it must be appreciated but agreeably it was going to take a long period when it would actually be felt that the students were getting enough attention in their schools, especially the Government run and they were taken care of as they should have otherwise been taken. To bring Government schools and colleges on the same pedestal as of private ones was an uphill task but undoubtedly never impossible. In any case that was going to take time, policies, planning and dedication.
The Minister’s assurances to the students and the parents that , “we will provide coaching to the students or give extra classes as well, please bring back students to schools ” is conspicuous of the limitations of the Government to bring that about in shortest period of time but to close tuition centres first looks prosaic and unworthy of seriously getting implemented.
Another aspect of the order is to check as to how many of these tuition centres actually have been closed in the valley but the implementation in other areas was going to achieve nothing excepting playing with the career of students who have to face unparalleled competition in their educational careers and aspire to achieve the best grading in their annual examinations.
The Minister is fervently urged to review this decision in the interests of the academic career of the students without any further ado.