Fully resolve cadre review issue: JKCSCC

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 26: The Jammu Kashmir Civil Secretariat Coordination Committee (JKCSCC) has urged upon the State Govt to go for the full- fledged care review of the Secretariat service.
In a meeting of the JKCSCC held under the chairmanship of Ghulam Rasool Mir, the members though extended gratitude to the Govt for implementing new pay commission yet at the same time, remarked that cadre review of Secretariat service is just an eye wash  unless and until the rules of KAS service are amended. It was also pointed out that the maximum portion of Gazetted level creation of posts of the rank of Deputy Secretary recently created is directly or indirectly benefiting the Junior KAS  officers.
They observed that the condition of having a service of 10 years at the level of Under Secretary   or equivalent  for next higher grade if not promoted is a deliberate attempt to defer/debar the promotion prospects of the Secretariat Subordinate Services because of the fact that majority of the promotees Under Secretary retire within this period of ten years.
Rest of the Cadre review viz Planning, Accounts and Legal Services is still pending for the last one year,  and be resolved by the month of May, 2018. They also stressed for removal of pay disparity/ anomaly on the basis of the proposal put forth by the JKCSNGEU.
The arrears on account of HRA has been swallowed which needs afresh consideration.    No enhancement in Medical Allowance,   increase in working hour’s is share violation of Human Rights and needs to be examined afresh, thus employees reject this announcement, they maintained.
The JKCSCC urged upon the Chief Secretary to stand by his commitment to get the full-fledged cadre review resolved and direct GAD to issue necessary amendment orders by or before  April 27, 2018 (Friday). In case,  the issue is not taken seriously, it has unanimously been decided  to assemble in  Civil Secretariat Lawns at Srinagar on  May 7, 2018 (Monday) immediately after opening ceremony,  to  protest against the high handedness of authorities (GAD).