Oppn restless as it has nothing against Modi: Dr Jitendra

‘UPA practiced politics of polarization in J&K’

Avtar Bhat
KISHTWAR, Apr 28: Hitting out at previous United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Government at Centre and in the State, Union Minister of State in PMO with independent charge of North Eastern States, Dr Jitendra Singh today said that it is UPA and not present National Democratic Alliance (NDA) led by Narendra Modi which practiced politics of polarization in J&K.
Addressing a public rally at a remote and far-flung village of Bhattan, in Kishtwar district today, Dr Jitendra Singh said that worst kind of riots took place in Kishtwar district in 2013 when UPA was ruling Centre and the State.

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He said these riots were engineered by certain forces for their vested political interests by dividing the peace loving people of the district and creating a wedge between them.
Dr Jitendra Singh said the people can now themselves compare the four years of NDA rule at Centre with 10 years UPA rule and judge that which Government was better.
He said in last four years there has been no such incident of that nature in the district which were happening earlier as BJP under PM Narendra Modi tried to reach out every community including Dalits and Muslims as well as other backward people like nomads etc.
Lashing out at Congress and other opposition parties, he said they exploited the word secularism and did great disservice to it as it were they who played religion, regional and caste based politics to divide the people for their vote bank politics over the years.
“But these parties, who were labeling BJP as communal, have been totally exposed after the Modi Government took over in 2014 as people realized that they were misled by Congress and other opposition parties for their vote politics over  70 years. People are now realizing that BJP’s mantra of governance is justice to all and appeasement to none’’, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh said a new political culture is sought to be cultivated under Modi rule as 65 percent of the people in the country are below the age of 35 years and these are aspirational youth who expected that their elected representatives will run the country instead of running after votes.
He also quoted the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi who has said “we are here to run the country and not the Government’’.
Dr Jitendra Singh said that the opposition is restless because it has nothing against Prime Minister, Narendra Modi or any of his Ministers in the Union Council. It is a strange paradox, he said, that even as the Modi Government completes its four years in office next month, the multi-crore scams which still continue to unfold even today are those implicating the UPA Ministers of the earlier Government and none involving any of the Modi’s Ministers.
It may be recalled that Bhattan village in district Kishtwar, has been adopted by Dr Jitendra Singh who is also MP from Kathua-Doda Parliam-entary Constituency under the “Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana” (SAGY).
He said, the Modi Government is committed to ensure equitable development of even the remotest parts of the country in order to bring them at par with more developed regions. He said, he has been, of late, traveling to those peripheral areas in his Constituency, which were, in the past, hardly ever visited by any Minister or any MP, possibly because these areas did not carry high stakes from the point of view of the vote bank.
Dr Jitendra Singh announced Rs.1 crore from his MP Fund (MP-LAD) which is in addition to Rs. 65 lakh MP Fund already released for Kishtwar. Out of Rs.1 crore announced by him today, Rs. 50 lakh will be devoted exclusively for development of village Bhattan, Rs. 25 lakh for constructing toilets along the route of Machail Yatra and Rs. 25 lakh for another toilet complex at Gumpa Gulabgarh.
He also disclosed that from this year, there will be Mobile phone towers installed along the route of Machail Yatra. To the delight of the people of the area Dr Jitendra Singh announced the Degree College for Paddar saying, the same is in pipeline under Central Scheme RUSA. He also said that the process is going on to extend the Air-strip at Kishtwar to make it fit for landing of aircrafts.
MoS incharge, Transport State Government, Sunil Sharma, while speaking on the occasion, announced the Government decision to set up the first-ever Sports College at Bhagna. He complimented Dr Jitendra Singh for his keen follow-up which helped in approval of all the roads under Centre’s PMGSY Scheme in the Nagsani Block and made a particular mention of Cherji road which is already completed, Puller road which is being started, Chichha road which is under progress and Chingnans road which is to be started soon.
He also hailed the setting up of Krishi Vigyan Kendra with the Central help.
Earlier, Deputy Commis-sioner, Kishtwar, Angrez Singh Rana gave a detailed resume of the status of various Central Schemes and priority programmes in the region. He said Ujjwala Scheme was almost complete and ODF campaign under Swachhta Abhiyan was moving fast. He also enumerated different privileges and benefits which will be available to village Bhattan, since it has been adopted as a “Model Village” under SAGY.
The public rally was also attended by local BJP leaders of the area including Sanjeev Sharma and BJYM leader Bharat Sharma.