Dr Jitendra lauds security forces’ role in combating militancy

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 6: Lauding the security forces for neutralising five dreaded terrorists in a fierce operation today, Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh said that it was  moment of pride for the security forces and a moment of shame for such Kashmir apologists who do not miss a single opportunity to defame, degrade and abuse the security forces simply to push forward their own political agenda.
Dr Jitendra Singh said, “the nation is eternally indebted to the security forces, the Indian Army, para-military forces and the Jammu & Kashmir Police, for the professional rectitude with which they are combating sponsored militancy in the Valley, at a grave and perpetual risk to their own lives.”
Lashing out at habitual Army baiters, Dr Jitendra Singh said, if these wise-worthies are so much upset with the Indian Security forces, then the least they can do is to surrender the personal security provided to them from the very same security personnel.
Without naming anybody, Dr Jitendra Singh said, “the supreme sacrifice that the Indian Army is making for Kashmir, cannot be appreciated by those who only understand the language of Twitter or drawing room hand-outs.”
Earlier, a delegation of Jammu Warehouse Association, led by its president Ratan Lal Mahajan and general secretary Deepak Gupta, called on Dr Jitendra Singh and discussed issues related to GST and other constraints.
Dr Jitendra Singh said that  the GST related issues raised by them were more of a procedural nature and these can be brought to the notice of GST Council which is always open to such inputs.