Saroori cautions people against false propaganda of PDP-BJP

Excelsior Correspondent

KISHTWAR, May 16: Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), vice president and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori toured Patnazi, Burdhar areas of tehsil Bunjwah. The tour was a part of public outreach programme to redress the grievances of general masses. The people raised issues mainly pertaining to clearance of compensation on PMGSY road, clearance of job card holder’s payment under RDD, laying of pipes for drinking water, proper installation of electric poles from Burdhar to Kither, distribution of ration cards to BPL consumers, improvement of roads and basic amenities.
While addressing an impressive public meeting, Saroori said people should not come under false propaganda of PDP-BJP, as both the parties are in habit of making tall claims and promises, but everyone in the State has realized that these parties which came into existence after raising catchy slogans have failed to deliver on every count, as a result, there exists deep alienation among the people which is not a good sign.
Saroori said that Agenda of Alliance (AoA) and promises made by PDP-BJP during elections which included withdrawal of AFSPA, return of power projects, talks with all stake holders including Hurriyat, appointment of a Hindu Chief Minister, Article 370, depositing of Rs. 15 lakhs in each citizen account, bringing back of black money, answer to Pakistan stands exposed before the people. He said that both PDP and BJP by virtue of their dual standards created a history of betrayals & backstabbing and not even a single promise was fulfilled, as a result people in the entire Valley are deeply hurt. The people will always remember them for playing with their emotions just for the sake of power.
Saroori said it is ultimately the people, who continue to suffer due to the unfavourable situation arising from time to time in the State, but the irony is that despite the present unrest in Valley no sincere efforts were made to restore peace and normalcy in the State. He said the successive U turns by PDP and BJP on various occasions, for the sake of remaining in power is responsible for growing alienation as a result, the development of the State as was expected from the ruling dispensation has come to a standstill. The promises made with the people by BJP during 2014 elections have also proved a blatant lie, as a result, the people in Jammu also have realized that they have been misled on so called development slogan by BJP.