Cruelty against women

Any society where women are maltreated in any shape, can’t claim to be civilized one in a real sense. Humiliation and cruelty against women find no place in the present world. Incidents of rapes, gang rapes and subsequent killings in a highly inhuman and brutal way, is deeply condemnable act of barbarity. The Nation feels humbled and ashamed over such heinous crimes. God know, what has gone with the society which gives birth to such elements. The opinion goes that firstly erosion in moral values and secondly, phenomenon of lawlessness seems prevailing due to pre-dominance of corruption and political favouritism, such a gruesome crimes are encouraged. If the rules are stern and implemented, no reason exists for continuance of such activities. After all, it is for the Governments to do the needful to ensure safety of womanhood and enable them to have a dignified life conditions in the society. Alas! political embitterness and vote bank politics keeps our parties always engaged and what is the good for the masses, is never thought of. A race for empowerment never allows them to work unitedly for wholesome welfare of the citizens.
Yours etc…
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)