Shiv Khori Shrine

Refer news item, ‘Govt least interested in many vital projects for Shiv Khori Shrine area’ DE May 8.
On the one hand, the Government claims that it is working to improve the pilgrimage and tourism infrastructure in the State, on the other side, it does not show much interest to live by its promises. This ironical stand often creates doubts in the people about Government’s sincerety towards upliftment of masses.
Shiv Khori Shrine has emerged as one of the attractive pilgrimage places in the State. Every year thousands of people throng this sacred place to pay obeisance, particularly during Shivratri. Keeping its importance in view, the Government should not adopt a lackadaisical attitude towards its promotion.
It is quite dismaying that the Government has not lived by its own decision taken in 2016 with regard to cable car project and chopper service. Had Government implemented the decision, by now, work on these projects would have been executed to a great extent. But nothing like that happened on the ground.
What is the fun of constituting a Board, which fails to take care of the this sacred shrine? Developent of shrine is quite necessary for improving the socio-economic conditions of the people living in this part of the State.
It may not be out of place to mention here that pilgrimage tourism is the backbone of the State’s economy and it can’t be dealt in a casual manner.
Yours etc….
Harbans Lal Sharma