Conserving water

It is heartening to read that Dogra Sadar Sabha (DSS), in collaboration with State Forest Department, observed the annual ‘Save Water,Save Birds’Day at Dogra Bhawan and Zanana Park In Jammu (DE, May 6, 2018).There is no doubt that Nature has provided us rich biodiversity for our spiritual and physical sustenance.But man, due to his reckless actions, has destroyed this biodiversity endangering his own survival. Consequently, many plants and  animals have become extinct and many others are on the verge of extinction.Many colourful birds, which are an important part of biodiversity,die every year due to paucity of wate.Our wise forefathers were well aware of the importance of biodiversity.
They considered it an act of piety to hang earthen pots in their backyards and fill them with water every day.Besides, they would throw or scatter grains for the birds to eat with the result that a wide variety of birds such as sparrows, egrets, crows, parrots, pigeons etc would gather round each house and chirp sweet notes every morning filling the environment with sweet and soulful music.Moreover, it was considered auspicious if birds like crows crowed near their homes and they would feed them.But as a result of fast modern life and lack of time coupled with fast dying empathetic feelings, very few people put water in the earthen pots or throw grains to the birds these days with the result that a large number of birds die from thirst and hunger, especially in summer when many water bodies dry up.
The initiative started by Dogra Sadar Sabha is an important step to create awareness in the people for conserving water and saving birds.Involvement of young children in this mission is significant as their impressionable minds, once filled with the need to conserve water and save birds, will do this noble and pious job throughout the rest of their life.Other organisations too must come forward to carry out this mission.The government, on its part, can contribute to this noble mission by issuing orders to all the officers to go in for conservation of water by rain harvesting and avoiding wastage of water and making it mandatory to hang earthen/metallic pots in all the government buildings and fill them with clean water every day so that birds donot die.This small step can help a lot in protecting our rich bird diversity.
Yours etc….
Ashok Sharma,