India seeks Australia’s help to combat Nipah virus

NEW DELHI: In the wake of Nipah virus cases in Kerala, the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) has written to the Queensland Government in Australia asking it to provide an antibody developed there to test if it can “neutralise” the virus in humans.

The antibody has not been tested on humans so far.

“We have asked them to give their monoclonal antibody for conducting a test in India to find out if it can neutralise the Nipah virus in humans.

“In Australia, it has only been tried in vitro (happening outside the body in artificial conditions, often in a test tube) and has been found to be effective. But it has not been tested on humans,” said ICMR Director General, Dr Balram Bhargava, while clarifying that it will not lead to creation of vaccine.

ICMR is the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical research.

“We are preparing a dossier on what will be methodology and what would be the regulatory process so that we can fast track the process,” he said.

According to Dr Bhargava, Australia is ready to share as it will help generate data on the efficacy of the antibody.  (AGENCIES)