Army chief blames Pak for violating ceasefire, deaths, destruction

Fayaz Bukhari
SRINAGAR, May 25: Army chief General Bipin Rawat today said that India wants peace along the borders and blamed Pakistan for violating the ceasefire that leads to loss of life and property. He said that the suspension of combat operations in Jammu and Kashmir can be extended further if the atmosphere of peace continues in the State.
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Rawat said Pakistan should stop sending militants into the State if it is interested in peace. “If Pakistan really wants peace, then we will want them to take the first step by stopping infiltration of terrorists into our side. The ceasefire violation mostly takes place to aid infiltration,” he said.
The Army chief said India wants peace along the borders but Pakistan is continuously violating the ceasefire, which causes loss of life and property. “When such an action takes place, we also have to respond. We cannot sit idle. If there is ceasefire violation, then there will be action from our side,” he said.
General Rawat said for peace, it was imperative that cross-border terrorism comes to an end. “It is imperative to stop terrorism from across (the LoC), the camps which are there where training is given to them, from where the ammunition is infiltrated into Jammu and Kashmir and India, that should stop. If that happens, then I can assure you that peace will prevail on the borders,” he added.
The Army chief said that the suspension of combat operations can be extended further if the atmosphere of peace continues in the State, but any action by terrorists would trigger a rethink immediately.
General Rawat said the suspension of anti-militancy operations in Jammu and Kashmir was an attempt to make people realise the benefits of peace. “The suspension of operations or what we call NICO (Non initiation of combat operations) has been done to make the people believe and see how the atmosphere is when there is peace. The way an atmosphere of peace and calm is here right now, in my opinion, the people here are very happy with that,” he said.
Gen Rawat said the Army will think about continuing the unilateral ceasefire if the peaceful situation continues in the Valley. “If this atmosphere of peace continues, then I assure you that we will think about continuing with NICO. But if there is some action by the terrorists, then we will have to rethink on this ceasefire or suspension of operations or NICO,” he said.
The Army chief said exemplary punishment would be given to Major Leetul Gogoi if he was found guilty of any offence. “If any officer of the Indian Army is found guilty of any offence, we will take strictest possible action,” Rawat said.
“If Major Gogoi has done something wrong, I assure you that he will be awarded punishment at the earliest…the punishment will set an example,” the Army chief said.
On May 23, Gogoi was briefly detained by police in Srinagar after an altercation when he was allegedly trying to enter a hotel with an 18-year-old woman.