Ramnath Shastri in New Light

The Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi has published yet  another book  entitled “Ramnath Shastri” in Dogri focusing on the life, literary work as well as singular contribution to his mother-tongue, Dogri language.
It is authored by eminent writer Prof. Veena Gupta , who has remained Head of PG Dogri , University of Jammu and has to credit many authoritative books.
This book written  after research work of over two years, highlights the major attainments of Prof. Shastri as founder of movement for this language through the Dogri Sanstha, a potent literary and cultural  organization. His relentless championing the cause of Dogri ultimately brought fruit and resulted in inclusion of Dogri  in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution on December 22,2003. This paved the way for the rapid growth and development of this language. The rich literary tradition and proud cultural heritage of the Duggar need to be given a further push by the peopleas envisioned by Shastriji during his life time and even inspiring the next generation.
Dogri’s  Pioneer Promoter
Prof. Veena Gupta has thrown ample new light on the known aspects of contribution as also little highlighted facts, to make proper assessment of the literary contribution, enrichment of cultural life. The author has shed new light on the life as well as the literary contribution as stalwart of Dogri in the sphere of drama, poetry , stories, essays as also  editing of the Nami Chetana, a Dogri periodical put out by the Dogri Sanstha, which awakened the people in this part of the country.
The Sahitya Akademi, the National Akademi of letters, which has published the book under review , has singular contribution in the projection and promotion of the Dogri language by the first constituting  the annual awards  to Dogri writers and poets for their outstanding publications even when this language was not  in the 8th schedule of the Indian constitution .
Every year from 1970, annual awards comprising citation, shawl cash prize are presented to dogri writers . It may be mentioned that prof.  Shastri was recipient of this  prestigious award which has also been  bagged by the author  Prof. Veena Gupta.
The Sahitya Akademi is  still taking  host of steps  to  promote the Dogri language and also regularly  published books .
This book  by eminent author chronicles the  crucial phase of  the Dogri language during the life time of the Shastriji, a stalwart  of his mother-tongue. This is an inspiring story of pioneer promoter of Dogri  and also puts new light  on him. It is expected that Sahitya Akademi would   continue to give a boost to this sweet language of the Dogras  as part of the  Indian literature.
(Starline Syndicate Service)