Cong, PDP welcome ceasefire announcement

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 30: Pradesh Congress and People’s Democratic Party have welcomed the ceasefire announcement on borders by the DGMOs of India and Pakistan and hoped that people living along the LoC and International Border would feel sigh of relief.
PCC chief spokesperson Ravinder Sharma has said that the news of observing ceasefire on borders by both countries as per 2003 agreement, sounds good, after four years of bloody skirmishes on the borders and LoC, which witnessed large targeting of innocent civilians including women and children and avoidable sacrifices of large number of jawans.
“We wish that much desired calm prevails on the borders, so that our people along borders and LoC heave a sigh of relief from being under the constant trauma of facing deaths and destruction all the time, their children not able to study or enjoy their childhood and crops and livestock getting destroyed or killed on regular basis.  Although it is quite good, if good sense prevails and ever lasting peace is restored on the borders but it is hard earned peace after so much of sacrifices and lot of sufferings of border people,” he added.
He claimed that against 70 ceasefire violations in 2010, 62 in 2011, 112 in 2012 etc during UPA regime, it suddenly rose to 583 in 2014, 970 in 2016, 860 in 2017 and so far 908 violations this year, thus crossing over 3000 mark during 4 years of NDA regime, which claimed large number of jawans and civilians getting martyred on borders during the period.
People’s Democratic Party  general secretary Ved Mahajan Gupta also welcomed the ceasefire announcement made by the DGMOs of both India and Pakistan, stating that such a positive development will provide a sigh of relief for those living alone the LoC and International Border in the State.
In a statement issued here, Gupta said that the initiatives being taken by the Government of India must be welcomed by one and all in the State irrespective of the party lines as it is Jammu and Kashmir that has been getting affected by the arch rivalry between the two countries who fight skirmishes on the borders.
Gutpa maintained that the PDP has been demanding the thaw between the two countries for long and prevalence of peace has been its core ideology since the day of its foundation.
Pitching for the more Confidence Building Measures, Gupta said that there is a dire need being felt on ground to initiate measures for dialogue and reconciliation with all stake holders and perpetual efforts to ensure peace in the state have become inevitable.