Dogri play exposes systemic corruption, calls for awakening of masses

Lalit Gupta
JAMMU, May 30: Mohan Singh’s latest Dogri play ‘Panch Prapanch’ while exposing the doublespeak of politicians of all hues, gave a clarion call to the masses to see through their charade, and take an active role in making the system accountable.
Written by a votary of Dogri theatre, Mohan Singh, who also acted one of the main roles, the thought-provoking play was presented by Duggar Manch, in collaboration with J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages,  at the Abhinav Theatre, here today.
The play is woven around the contemporary socio-political realities, which every common feels but does not raise voice against fearing a backlash. It  struck the chord with the audience, who despite the text-heavy dialogues, enjoyed the frank portrayal of the bitter truth faced by one and all in the country.
It was a treat to see veteran actor Janak Khajuria, in the role of an ideologue. Through impressive delivery of dialogues, potent pauses, measured movements, he successfully illustrated as to how there was marginalization of our core civilization values in favor of materialism’ He also called for seeing through the evil designs of those so-called leaders who while preaching from high moral pedestals, in fact, are exploiting the gullible masses only to fill their coffers.
Staged with minimal sets, the play was conspicuous for the directness of the message which voiced in chaste Dogri full of phrases, idioms and maxims, was presented through a mix of realism and symbolic approaches. It was interesting to see the effective transformation of actors from one role to another with a slight change of costumes and intelligent light design.
Mohan Singh, as Number two, acting on stage after a long gap, showed his vintage form. He was especially impressive in the role of a barefaced politician who successfully uses his gift of gab to fool people.  Sushma Rani as Woman, and Vinay Sharma as Number Three, also gave good performances.