Act against forces boosting violence: Prof Gupta to Govt

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 7: Advoca-ting for visionary approach to bring out the troubled areas of the Kashmir valley from the prevailing morass, the former Union Minister, Prof Chaman Lal Gupta stressed on tackling the elements indulging in boosting the morale of the perpetrators of violence by initiating the legal action under law of the land against them.
In a statement issued here, today, Prof Gupta pointed out that in Kashmir such politicians eulogize the stone pelters and operators of violence as Mujahids fighting for the Azadi of Kashmiri nation and do not hesitate in denouncing the forces when they even retaliate.  But in Jammu and elsewhere they opt for different instances, he  added and pointed out that instead of providing some relief or even denouncing Pakistan for its belligerency, a group of such senior activists during their visit to border villages told the sufferers of Pak shelling that jingoism of BJP and obstinacy of New Delhi to talk to Pakistan was resulting in such a sad plight of the border dwellers.
Prof Gupta said that the Centre had responded to the all parties appeal of Kashmir politicians to observe ceasefire by suspending operation “All Out” against the terrorists in the Valley during the month of holy Ramzan. In the situation it was their moral responsibility to persuade the operators to shun the path of violence and take the path of dialogue to sort out their problems. But it sounds strange that instead of doing so, these dubious characters do not hesitate in denouncing the men of the forces even when they retaliate to defend themselves when attacked by the ultras.
Tracing out the history of the present extremism in various parts of the State, Prof Gupta said the follies of the NC-Congress coalition in late eighties were exploited by Pakistan to wage a proxy war against India in Kashmir but the role of these politicians had been quite controversial  as they had changing colour like weather cocks even in matters of national importance when in power and out of power.