Relief organization to construct 150 shops under self- financing

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 18: The Relief organization is going to construct 150 shops for migrant shopkeepers who had their business establishments in erstwhile camps and were affected after the shifting of the camps to Jagti township.
According to Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner, R K Pandita 150 shops will be constructed under self -financing scheme as per the decision of Apex Committee meeting held here in April this year under the chairmanship of Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah.
He said the Relief Organization has framed a proposal in this regard and it has asked the migrant shopkeepers who had their business establishments in erstwhile camps to furnish the documents to his office latest by December 22 in this regard.
He said out of these shops 130 will be constructed at Jagti township, eight at Muthi, six at Nagrota and six at Purkhoo.
He said the land for the same has already been identified in all the camps. He said that only those migrants will be entitled to furnish the papers who were running their shops in the erstwhile camps.
He said as the construction of these shops is based on self -financing pattern no CDRs etc are required for the same.