Grameen Bank holds awareness programme at Pangali

Excelsior Correspondent

J&K Grameen Bank presenting credit cards to farmers at village Pangali.

JAMMU, Dec 18: In order to provide greater financial inclusion to the unbanked people, J&K Grameen Bank held a one -day Awareness programme at village Pangali, in Khour block.
The programme was organised by branch office Khour with financial assistance and support of NABARD.
S S Billawria, General Manager of the Bank was the chief guest on the occasion who inaugurated the credit cum awareness programme.
Speaking on the occasion, he highlighted the initiatives taken by the Bank for credit dispensation in diversified activities for the purpose of setting up economic units to augment the income of the families and overall development of the rural people through institutional credit.
He also highlighted the policies, products and programmes of the J&K Grameen Bank for facilitating financial inclusion programme.
Suchitra Bhattacharya from RBI also highlighted the policies and programmes of RBI and threw light on ICT enabled financial inclusion in village Pangali.
Earlier R P Sharma, Senior Manager, Microfinance and Financial Inclusion apprised the gathering about the various lending schemes of the Bank for providing credit to agriculturists, business community, transporters etc.
Romesh Kumar, AGM NABARD acquainted the gathering about the concept of FI, self help groups and Farmers Club and other programmes of NABARD to generate the income of rural people.
H S Samyal Area Manager, Jammu also spoke on the occasion and enlightened the unbanked masses about the policies of the bank as well as importance and utility of insurance both life and non-life, more particularly of micro insurance for the benefit of rural masses.
Later the credit cards were presented to farmers.