Politics of sheer expediency

Shiban  Khaibri

Many a time, I sincerely wish our democracy to have been not so much unbridled, unrestrained and rampant especially in the context of our politicians, of course with certain exceptions, who take it all their so called democratic right in changing colours like chameleons, turning sides like one does not do even during sleep, take one stand this moment and come out with a different one the next moment and the like. The list is horribly exhaustive. Kashmir , a small acne in 1947 turning into a rosacea in 1953-  not treated well because of flawed diagnosis finally showed up signs of  malignancy in 1989-90  and all these three decades , the condition is not allowed to be cured, if not fully resolved. It is not that “Not allowed” is any difficult to get the hang of it for those who know what ails Kashmir and not only know all its contours but what the fuss was it all about. Let that be dissected any other time as Kashmir and its so called “political” problem shall unfortunately continue to be discussed rightly or wrongly, deceivably or sincerely, more religiously than politically for scores of decades and decades together. Generations will unfortunately and very shockingly be plunged into gorges of darkness and uncertainties looking to how the landscape was craftily designed.  Let the point be analyzed.
Mainstream politicians, both in the Government as well as (unfortunately) in opposition and those who fall in neither of the two, keep on blaming the Central Government for not being inclined to talk to anti India separatist elements as also to Pakistan . They brazenly do not even take the pains, let alone muster open courage, to denounce senseless violence and stone pelting which have now become more or less a routine in Kashmir valley. They have, again, routinely been casting aspersions on even vouching for the intentions of the Government to see an end to violence and walk more steps ahead than the situation warranted. Ceasefire on Ramzan was announced by Central Government and maintained even in the face of worst pelting of stone attacks by masked and well trenched professional and motivated young people. Home Minister tries to reach out to the people by visiting the valley and inviting all “right minded” people, if not “like minded” ones for talks. Even a quasi permanent interlocutor is engaged by the Government who had otherwise made umpteen attempts to rope in the “concerned” groups for talks.
It is shocking that instead of appreciating and welcoming the move of the central government in bidding adieu to a sort of firm stand , if not “rigidity” in not talking to the separatist groups , they are being dissuaded from “accepting” the invitation of the Central Government. Dr. Farooq Abdullah who should have hailed the Government’s decision has cautioned the anti Indian Hurriyat leadership “not to fall into the trap”. He warned the secessionist groups that the centre was neither sincere nor ready to “give them” anything.  Says he, “They did not give us autonomy, what will they offer to you?” Just note “you” and “us”.  Is it tantamount to letting Kashmir boil and simmer indefinitely and misled and indoctrinated young people keeping on losing life and limb when the sons and daughters of all political leaders irrespective of anti India and “mainstream” groups, devote time towards career development by studying in prestigious educational institutions across the country?
Are such unexpected and unwarranted responses to such vexatious issues and playing spoilsport, a desperate attempt to stay relevant even if that meant trampling upon the peace initiatives and attempts towards de-escalation and normalizing life in the Pakistani proxy war torn Kashmir valley? Is the fear looming large that if New Delhi succeeds in winning over the Hurriyat, National Conference and its outdated autonomy plank both shall get relegated to non entities? How many political shops with intent to keep on exploiting the situation and black mailing New Delhi, are feared to be wound up ?
What does it all mean? Will no one from the so called mainstream political arena be sincere towards putting an end to the mayhem and violence in Kashmir going on for nearly 30 years?  What has been achieved excepting blood spilling, deaths, pain, arson, disruptions, hartals, dislocations, darkness and confusions laced with perpetual fear? Should this be the response from a political leader who has been thrice Chief Minister of the state, a senior union cabinet Minister and presently a member of the Lok Sabha? How does he know that they “won’t give you anything “? Has he so much access to the intricacies and very confidential policies of the Government that he knows that it stands them in no good stead and instead would land them falling into a trap? The matter is serious and inscrutable indeed. People have to understand and understand better now.
We have another 46 year “young” socialist leader who was chief Minister of UP and whose family has ruled the state for more than 15 years, was not vacating his official bungalow until the apex court gave its ruling that such properties belonged to the public and the present occupants who had been once CMs of the state should vacate them. A responsible , educated and socialist young leader vacated the House built under his watch at an exorbitant cost of Rs.42 crore but it appeared that the beautiful , all comfortable luxurious house had been like bombarded.  Barring one marble temple in a corner, the entire beautiful house had been damaged “in anger” for having to leave it. All time swimming pool is alleged to have been filled with sand. Expensive floor and wall tiles, laminations, marble slabs, inner walls, false ceilings have been damaged beyond repair and electricity switch boards and switches ripped off.
Not only this much, all air conditioning ducts in the centrally air conditioned house which was built and expensively renovated at the fag end of the SP Government have been plucked out. Item wise details will need space, in short it is reported that the costly house appears to have been ravaged and devastated. Opulence of the occupant created with people’s money and mercilessly damaged it, has been done all because of “democracy, constitution and secularism being in danger” because of Modi Government. Can Modi and Yogi Aditya Nath Governments recover the cost of all these damages from the “socialist” leader followed by other relevant action?
Another astonishing “feat”  of politics of sheer expediency can be gauged by Rahul Gandhi promising farmers of MP of waiver of all loans  in just 10 days , not even within 11 days, if Congress ever came to power in that state. One wonders how he could do it and why the present Government fighting incumbency cannot. This appears nothing beyond some magic and students of Economics would greatly be benefitted if the secret of “how” and  “where from” a whooping amount of Rs.16000 crore calculated at minimal amount and for  five hundred thousand farmers only would be arranged . Waiving loans , now as a routine to farmers, may it be Punjab, UP, Maharashtra, Karnataka and other states is doing no amelioration of lot to them but only demolishing the equilibrium of Banking system and at the cost of other very vital projects which starve of funds and infrastructural work coming to a grinding halt . This loan waiving has been an enticing vote catching game. It is not a onetime affair now but seems a permanent one as previous such waivers have not addressed farm distress. Inciting farmers into agitations, spilling “shudh” milk and carpeting roads with their hard reaped produce would do no good to them excepting fetching some votes to organizing political parties. Think of India and save India . Then only can we all survive.