Time for introspection

Lt. Gen PS Mehta (Retd)
Kashmir has been subjected to loot, lust and plunder over the centuries essentially by the outsiders, leaving behind a confused ideology -of its people being prisoners in their own homeland.Ironically outrage of Kashmirs modesty (sufiism)and rape in the present context continues by none other than some perverted sections of its own Awaam.’Azaadi’ from what or now the ‘Caliphate’,to sink it deep down into anunending hell – nobody is clear.The gullible poorer sections of rural Kashmir are being plundered by the radicals, fundamentalists, Hurriyat, guns, cunning politicians and now the emerging uglyface of ISIS.
The demon of non-descript Azaadi has started eating up its own people – journalists, politicians and personnel enrolled in police and the army. The ferocious cauldron which is being driven by Hurriyat, Jammiates and the radicals powered by the engines of Pakistan and ISI has attained full speed and sucking in  everyone including the innocents’ who are gasping for breath and freedom – Azaadi. Inflow of gun power, money and the deceit ideology has accelerated crime and terrorism. Nizam- i – Mustafa has started suppressing the call for Azaadi which nobody comprehends beyond futile slogans…Hum Kya Chaate…..
The “Heaven on earth has turned into a complete hell”. It’s time to introspection by the Kashmiri Awaam for its own doings.  Despite the demand for unilateral ceasefire for peace and religious celebrations, the demon emerged stronger and killed its own subjects, leaving them caught between the devil and the deep sea. The bounds of Hazratbal – Hariparbat – Harmukh – Mahadev range Verinag and Chirar-i – Sharief are completely engulfed in the vulgar orgy of lust and plunder. Natural warnings of floods and earthquakes have not been understood by the ignorant and confused Awaam. Disrupting and disrespecting peaceful religious proceedings during the festivities of Eid by the Muslims themselves shall only bring mayhem and wrath of Allah……imagine the plight of parents of those mercilessly butchered during this period…. only curses emerge.
Endless debates, non-coherent opinions, fish market arguments, silly political experiments, all during the counter insurgency operations, have but turned the whole mechanism into an uncouth play of death. Non-existent politico military strategy or even a strategy to deal with Pakistan despite it bleeding India over the last 30 years is not even thought of. Delhi is not clear… failure to locate   a suitable replacement for the present Governor on termination of his tenure is but Amyopic mess, especially when capable sons of the soil are available. Indian politics is busy playing the desperate blame game and ignorance of National issues for the sake of their future and thee lust for power. People who elected them are of no consequence. Such actions are taking their own toll, yet there is no light on the horizon.
Polarisation of Jammu, Ladakh and Kashmir divisions versus the mayhem in the valley will only churn out more filth and eventual splitting the three on communal lines. Jai Duggar Jai Dogra has started resonating in the air, Ladakhis too are getting frustrated. Panun Kashmir and may be Sadda Kashmir in the near future by yet one of its aboriginal – The Sikhs, are likely to join the band wagon. Tide and time is likely to fail all logic and reason and may lead to isolation of Kashmir through the chokes of Banihal and Kargil thus compressing the filth within the bounds of valley leaving it to froth. With such rising pressures and further fermentation Kashmir is going to implode.
The implosion will lend itself to its natural solution – A full military assault on Pakistan who is exporting terror into J&K. The solution lies in going for the kill of the ringleader rather than the others in the circus. Others can be tamed with logic and peace. A military solution akin to FATA in Pakistan and the Syrian model where there were no bounds or limits to arrests, encounters, inhuman interrogations and human rights violations are underway, such a movement in Kashmir would not be ill logical. Ironically such movements  have used brute power. If ISIS can do the same to its people where Muslims are killed by Muslims, an ugly extreme of the face of terrorism, Awaam in Kashmir should understand the consequences of such ploys when it comes to their doorsteps. WhatsApp videos of gun totting terrorists moving in South Kashmir during Ramzan supported by childish slogans by the village youth …..Hum tumare saath hai is only asking for trouble.  Living under mute fear and false bravado of LeT or HM tanzeems will not help either. On the contrary why should thousands mourn the death of Shujaat Bhukhari – confused Awaam?       Raring snakes in the Valley (which are naturally non-existent there) will only bring death.
When the cauldron is brought to a stop and the Muck ultimately thrown into the Jhelum to flow to Pakistan,it shall take away radicalisation and bring peace to the Jannat. It’s time for Awaam to cleanse itself – discard Hurriyat, Jammaites, corrupt politicians and OGWs to bring back peace, respite, governance, fresh air, sanity and ultimate Azaadi for themselves in their own homeland.Awaam should understand the power of masses against a few rapists amongst them.
(The writer is  Defence Analyst / Strategist and an Ex Strike Corps GOC. He can be reached at psmskinners@yahoo.com)