Summer classes

Like other States of the country,  J&K Government announces summer and winter vacations for respective areas in the State. It is aimed at giving relief to the students from the vagaries of the weather. The circular is issued always with a rider that any default on the level of private institutions shall be viewed seriously by the Government and punitive action will be taken against errring  institutions. The warning resulted in stopping summer/winter classes for the benefit of students by the private institutions. But of late, the State Government has itself violated the provision by introducing summer/winter coaching classes in some institutions. The Government initiative is ill conceived and discriminatory and burden on the public exchequer.
First of all it is discriminatory in nature as most of  the students fail to get benefit of these classes and a few get benefitted in some selected schools. Does climate discriminate? Secondly even those who join the classes, most of the students are non serious about these  classes and take it as an opportunity for outing. Even in most of the cases the selection of blue-eyed  teachers is made by respective heads of the institutions whose aim is to earn leave than teaching. Government owes an explanation how much the public exchequer is taxed and what ratio of students gets benefitted. In such circumstances is it not advisable to provide requisite infrastructure, do away with  vacations and vocational and non-vocational category? Government cannot afford promoting discrimination.
Yours etc…
S Pandit