Oppn parties say PDP-BJP alliance was destined to end from day one

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 19:  Irrespective of the political affiliation and ideology, leaders of different organizations have welcomed the end of PDP-BJP alliance in Jammu Kashmir even as majority of them have termed the move as a stunt for face saving ahead of forthcoming Lok Sabha elections.
CPI (M) leader and MLA Kulgam Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami, in a statement,   said that the leadership of both the PDP and the BJP are answerable before the people of Jammu and Kashmir and rest of the country for their unprincipled alliance which ended today but not before sending the State in deep crisis. “This is an attempt by BJP to evade responsibilities. People in the State and the country want to know what they (BJP) have done in four years in Center and more than three years in J&K to address the issue of deepening crisis and uncertainty in J&K,” he said and added that the move signifies the total political failure of the BJP’s approach in Jammu & Kashmir.
JKNPP chairman and former Minister Harsh Dev Singh, in his reaction on the development, said that the BJP decision to pull out of the PDP-led Government after its abject failure on the governance front, had proved that it was a failed political party. ” The column of sand has finally collapsed. It could not have survived as it had been laid on the foundation of political opportunism,” he said while addressing public meetings in Baggar and Wani  villages of erstwhile Doda today.
In a joint statement, PCC senior leaders and Legislators, including Haji Rasheed Dar,  Usman Majeed, Mohammad Amin Bhat and  G N Monga said that BJP’s decision to pull out of the alliance with PDP  in Jammu and Kashmir was  an opportunistic move ahead of 2019 Lok Sabha elections. “This unholy alliance between the two parties was destined to break. But because of this unholy alliance and the wrong policies of both the Central and the State Governments in the last more than three years, the State has been pushed into a quagmire and uncertain situation,” the statement added.
In his reaction on the development, Dr Manohar Lal Sharma, senior Congress leader and ex Minister,  said that Dogras of Jammu will never forgive BJP- PDP Government  for its
misdeeds.  “From the first day of this Government  formation,  it was a flop show but the BJP,  for the sake of power, let the PDP to cause a series of irreversible damage to the people of Jammu and Ladakh thus creating a State of mess in the already volatile state of Jammu and Kashmir,” he alleged.
NPP leader Prof Bhim Singh has termed the BJP move as a political stunt and second phase of their strategy to save face on national scene.  Alleging that the BJP had been working as a bonded labour under PDP, Prof Bhim Singh reminded that the Panthers Party had already been demanding dismissal of the coalition Government, which was a threat to the national security.
Maintaining that continuation of alliance would have been against national interest,  State BJP chief spokesperson  Sunil Sethi said the insistence of the PDP for extension of the period of suspension of operations  and soft approach towards militants, Pakistan and separatists were hurting the nationalistic sentiments not only in Jammu and Kashmir but across the country. “It is well thought decision in the given circumstances and the BJP has proved to one and all that for it, staying in power is not significant when it comes to national interest,” he added.
MLC and former  BJP State president Ashok Khajuria also said that  the  alliance was destined to end  from  day one of this Coalition Government because of soft approach of PDP towards Pakistan and separatists.  “There was also an impression that alliance with PDP was eroding the BJP ideology and hence it is better late than never,” he further said.
President Jammu and Kashmir Bachao Tehreek and former minister Abdul Gani Vakil has welcomed  the Mehbooba Mufti led Government’s fall in J&K after BJP took back its support and said that this alliance was always unholy and time has proved it now.
Vakil said both the parties are responsible for the present situation in Kashmir, where peace has taken a back seat. It will be now the responsibility of the sitting Governor to make roads clear for dialogue to restore peace in the State that has derailed under PDP-BJP regime,” he added.
Former Minister and State president of Nationalist Congress Party, Thakur Randhir Singh has also welcomed the end of Coalition Government in Jammu Kashmir and said that both PDP and BJP are responsible for making the State worst in all fields during their three- year rule. He also urged the Governor to ensure that Government accommodation proved to all the ministers and Chief Minister is vacated.
Describing BJP & PDP as power hungry parties since there was nothing common between the two, District Congress Committee president and former MLC Subash Gupta alleged that both the parties failed on all fronts.  “BJP surrendered all its ideological stand and other promises for the lust of power and now pretending to be a true nationalist for face saving,” he further alleged.
Former MLC and Coordinator AICC Vichar Vibhag, Ashok Sharma has said that withdrawal of support by BJP and resignation of CM are the cowardly act for face saving to hide the utter failure of law and order and count down of Modi rule by loosing one more State. “Both the parties should seek apology from the people for their failures on all fronts,” he demanded.
The KP Sabha Jammu has welcomed the imposition of Governors rule in J&K and appealed the Governor to ensure fool proof security to the thousands of pilgrims who are in the Valley in connection with the Mata Kheer Bhawani Yatra. In a statement, K K Khosa, president of the Sabha  has also appealed the security forces to go all out to eliminate the Pakistan sponsored terrorists and Jihadists so that peace could be restored in Kashmir to clear the way for initiating a dialogue process with all stakeholders including the Kashmiri Pandits.
Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) chief Kundan Kashmiri has welcomed the BJP decision  to pull out  from the alliance  in  interest of the nation and said that it is time now for BJP and it’s leader’s ruling at the center to introspect, rethink over their Kashmir policy and to work for abrogation of Article 370 , separate resettlement of KPs at the land of Kashyap   in Kashmir valley and recapture of PoK as per Indian Parliament resolution of 1994.
Aam Aadmi Party National Council member Deep Singh has said that  BJP decision of withdrawing  its support from Mehbooba Mufti’s PDP led State Government was  not more than a face saving attempt because of total failure firstly due to tie-up for an unholy alliance and  secondly due to its dummy and  corrupt ministerial faces.
In its reaction on the development, All India Backward Classes Union has alleged that BJP and its leaders  ruled the State as a coalition partners for three years and cheated the State people in general and OBCs in particular. The Union held an emergency meeting and appealed the State OBCs to remain vigilant and be ready to up-root BJP from the State as well as from the Centre through voting against them.
Alleging that withdrawal of support by BJP was a political stunt,  All J&K Youth Federation (AJKYF) State convener Arjun Sharma said that the unholy alliance  derailed the peace and developmental process in Jammu and Kashmir.