Various organisations term Governor rule in J&K step in right direction

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 20:  While stating that miseries of the common man have increased and lawlessness prevailed all over Kashmir during last three years of PDP-BJP rule, various organisations have termed the Governor rule in the J&K State as step in right direction.
Dogra Sadar Sabha, in an emergency meeting held here today under the leadership of Thakur Gulchain Singh Charak (president) remarked, “ it is better late than never”.  The members decried the non-governance  and mayhem that prevailed in J&K State with situation that was getting bad to worse by each passing day. They said utter lawlessness prevailed in the whole State  in general and Kashmir in particular with agonising humiliation to paramilitary forces  and unfair protection  and support to anti-national elements.
DSS members said the discrimination with Jammu was rampant  and  blatant. The  losses of  lives of the troops from these regions and other states  deployed for internal security duty, was avoidable. The DSS leadership described it as welcome move and a step in right directions, stating that it would prevent further damage and devastation to the State.
Shiv Sena Hindustan, (SSH),  ridiculing BJP for ending alliance with PDP after nearly four years after worst ever mis-governance and wrong policies adopted by coalition partners since they took over reins of power, said that the ruling dispensation had crossed all limits of misrule and mis-governance, as a result, people were made to suffer in every respect and quitting midway only aimed to save face and apolitical stunt in wake of 2019 Parliamentary elections. Rajesh Kesri, its president  criticized Govt for its failure to address basic  issues of the people. He alleged that Coalition Govt  was responsible for deep alienation among the people in Jammu.
Stating that party was desperate enough to hide its failures, Kesri said people of the State are the victims of misrule and mis-governance, feeling exploited, betrayed  and backstabbed by the ruling PDP-BJP. He  alleged that  BJP-PDP collation has compounded the miseries of common people by not providing basic amenities like drinking water, power and health services in the State. He said  that every section of the society was bearing brunt of the governance deficit. He also said that failure of the BJP ministers to establish communication with the common masses further compounded situation in this region. The decision to pardon stone pelters, offer of talks and suspension of operation during Ramzan were all wrong decisions. The alliance which forged after  much careful crafting, could not carry the weight of the hugely contradictory ideological positions and thus collapsed.
Dogra Front   and Shiv Sena in a joint statement termed the imposition of Governor rule in the J&K State as welcome step. They said J&K remained under Governor rules for long six years under Jagmohan and during that period a clean sweep of militants was witnessed. Ashok Gupta, its leader hoped that forces under the direct command of Governor NN Vohra would get free hand to deal with terrorists in Kashmir and elsewhere in the State and would wipe out terrorists and their sympathisers.  Gupta said all the Hurriyat leaders should be arrested  and stone pelters should be dealt with heavy hands. There should be no concession to the militants or their supporters. Since Amarnath Yatra is going to be commenced within one week , the pilgrims coming from various parts of the country should be given full protection/ security and other facilities. He demanded deportation of Rohingyas and Bangladeshis and scraping of  Tribal Policy of PDP-BJP Government.
SOS International, an organisation PoK DPs led by Rajiv Chuni has also welcomed the imposition of Governor rule in the J&K state.  In a press statement, Chuni said that this unholy alliance had to reach at this conclusion as these two political parties significantly  duped the innocent public of the State especially the people of Jammu for their own petty gains at its peak.  Both had joined hands for the lust of power. They had nothing to do with the issues of the public and many ministers and legislators  were even ignoring the general public and not giving time to  listen to them or picking up their phone calls.
The Jammu people gave massive mandate to the BJP and they won 25 seats but after three years of this Government the people of Jammu are feeling duped. This party has badly damaged the people of Jammu, in every respect. Ram Madhav gave reason of redicalization and   discrimination as main reasons behind pulling away from the Govt. It is wondered  to observe that top BJP leadership took three and half years to realise this fact. Chuni said people of Jammu will teach a harsh lesson to the leaders of this party in coming days.
Janata Dal Secular, J&K unit led by Mast Nath Yogi in a press statement welcomed the imposition of Governor rule and said that things would improve in the State. In a statement, Yogi said it is too late, but a good step. The law and order machinery had been collapsed in the State and   it was total lawlessness in Kashmir. The border situation worsened  and Kashmir was boiling. There was no governance at all. He described this move as a step in right direction. This Govt had been virtually failed to control the situation.
Jammu West Assembly Movement leader Sunil Dimple also welcomed the Governor rule in the State and described this move as a good step. He said that majority of the people from Jammu are happy because BJP leadership had been causing much damage to the Jammu people in every respect. They had become non-performing liability on the people of Jammu and educated unemployed youth were facing grave discrimination. In many decisions the BJP legislators were not being taken seriously and PDP was least bothered about the aspirations and development of Jammu region. He demanded that forces be  given free hand to deal with militants, their supporters and stone pelters. There should not be any complacency to the anti-nationals. The Union Govt should also deal with separatists in tough mode.