No Doctors in Tangdhar Hospital

Tangdhar village of Kupwara district is reeling under shortage of Doctors and lack of proper infrastructure in its Sub- District Hospital resulting in hardships to patients who have to cover long distances, as an alternative, for getting treatment and medical advice. They have to visit private clinics and other hospitals but not without undergoing lot of difficulties in respect of covering distance and spending  time and money.
The hospital is there, no doubt but can be termed as an apology for a full fledged hospital as the one under reference is bereft of main elementary facilities, medicines, availability of Doctors, surgery and allied facilities. In environ of Swatch Bharat Abhiyan, cleanliness and disinfecting rooms is unheard of in this hospital.
The authorities are supposed to conduct a visit or two at least on monthly basis to assess the situation and take stock of which of the problems afflicted the hospital so that the same could be addressed. Why should there be no child specialist, a dermatologist and a gynecologist in the hospital? It could be left to imagination as to how the patients falling in the group of children and expectant mothers would be feeling at the moment when they needed the medical attention the most. Even para- medical staff is not provided to this hospital.
Since the residents have been complaining about the dearth of Doctors in the Sub- District Hospital of this hilly region for the last 10 years and are impressing upon the authorities to provide at least a child specialist and a gynecologist, the problems faced by them need to be addressed which those at the helm in Health Department must ensure without any ado.