Cause of BJP pullout was discrimination with Jammu, Ladakh by Mehbooba Govt: Amit Shah

Nishikant Khajuria
JAMMU, June 23: Seeking to add the narrative of alleged discrimination with Jammu region as major reason for the BJP pullout from Coalition Government in Jammu and Kashmir, the party’s national president Amit Shah today launched a scathing attack on erstwhile alliance partner PDP and more particularly then Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti for intentionally ignoring Jammu as well as Ladakh regions in respect of development.
“We pulled out of the coalition because Mehbooba Mufti led Government failed to ensure equitable development of all three regions of the State besides its failure to restore peace in Kashmir,” he said while addressing a massive rally in front of Brahman Sabha, near Parade Ground, here today.

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Alleging that despite liberal funding by Modi Government, Jammu as well as Ladakh remained discriminated as the then Mehbooba Mufti regime intentionally delayed implementation of the mega projects for these regions, the BJP chief said owing to those circumstances, the party decided that it was better to be out of such Government and raise voice for due rights of the people.
“For equitable development of J&K, restoration of peace here and integration of the State with Indian Union, which were main agenda of the Common Minimum Programme for the PDP-BJP alliance, we made all efforts like sanctioning of Rs 80 thousand crore package for developmental works, attempts of our representatives to exert pressure for getting these projects implemented and frequent visits of PM Modi to the State for ensuring no trouble in smooth flow of funds, but both Jammu and Ladakh remained discriminated while security situation further deteriorated,” he explained.
Alleging that the projects sanctioned for Jammu were intentionally delayed, Amit Shah pointed out that the PDP-led Government deliberately held up acquisition of land for setting up AIIMS here while the newly sanctioned Government Medical Colleges were also not made functional from this session. “There was zero  progress on Smart City Project for Jammu as no DPR was prepared for two years and  development of Katra as iconic city was also not taken up  while out of Rs 2000 crores released by the Central Government for the PoK refugees,  only Rs 500 crores were distributed among the beneficiaries,” he said and further complained  that there was also no progress on return of migrant Kashmiri Pandits to the Valley as well as delimitation of Assembly constituencies, which were part of the Common Minimum Programme of the Coalition Government.
“Jammu had voted us to power and I am here to tell you how could we continue to be part of a Government, which was discriminating against Jammu and under its rule our people like Army jawan Aurengzeb and senior journalist Shujat Bukhari were getting brutally killed by terrorists,” he said amidst repeated applause and slogans by enthusiastic crowd of BJP supporters, who had assembled in large numbers to listen to their national president.
This was for the first time since BJP pullout from the coalition Government that the party has launched direct attack on then Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti and her Government for alleged discrimination with Jammu region.
Going a step ahead, Amit Shah also accused Mehbooba Mufti of  being corrupt and alleged that through corrupt means the two political families in J&K (Mufti family and Abdullah family) had amassed huge wealth, which in combine could be more than assets of  entire population of the State.
The BJP national president also took the opportunity to take on vete-noire Congress party for the purported statements of Ghulam Nabi Azad and Prof Saif-ud-Din Soz, who had raked up controversy by their remarks on situation in Kashmir. “Whenever elections are around the corner, slogans like Bharat Mata Ki Jai are raised by BJP whereas Congress and its leaders are seen making statements, which are in tune with anti-nationals and separatists,” he said.
Playing the card  of nationalism before patriotic Jammuites, the BJP president hastened to add that his party would never allow the separation of Jammu and Kashmir from the rest of the country. “Mr Soz, you can take hundreds of births but the BJP will not allow Kashmir to be disintegrated from India. J&K is an integral part of the country and Shyama Prasad Mookerjee has integrated it by laying down his life,” he said.
Further pointing out that soon after Ghulam Nabi Azad’s recent remark that the security forces were killing more civilians than terrorists in the Valley, terrorist outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba had come with a statement supporting him, Amit Shah taunted that the Congress and Lashker had same frequency.
As Amit Shah took potshots at the Congress, people shouted “Desh Ke Gaddaron Ko, Goli   Maro Saalo Ko” (death to traitors) slogans.
Asking Rahul Gandhi to seek an apology from people of the country for controversial remarks of his party leaders (Azad and Soz), Amit Shah, however, added that the former would not do the same because anti-nationalism was ideology of the Congress party.
Reiterating that power held no meaning for the BJP, Amit Shah pointed out that political parties express regret if their  Government falls anywhere in the country, but it is only the BJP which chants Bharat Mata Ki Jai  slogans when its Government falls.
Apparently setting agenda for the next elections in Jammu and Kashmir, the BJP president exhorted the party workers to build a narrative for all round and equitable development of Jammu Kashmir State instead of giving hype to role of security forces for restoration of peace here.
“A section of media   is trying to make a narrative that Governor rule and BJP are for pro active role by security forces. Let the security forces be allowed to do whatever they feel adequate and we are confident that they perform their duty very well,” he said adding that the party should set narrative of equitable development, employment to youth and timely execution of projects etc.
He hoped that under the Governor’s rule, there would be equitable developmental and work on the projects would be speeded up.
Earlier, speaking on the occasion, Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh also drew attention towards purported controversial statements by the Congress leaders and alleged that some mainstream parties and their leaders were more dangerous than the separatists.
“Whenever in power, these leaders swear by the name of Indian sovereignty and once out of power, they resort to slogans like Azadi,” he said and stressed that under the prevailing circumstances, role of BJP has become more crucial than earlier.
Dr Jitendra Singh said that massive gathering for listening to Amit Shah was a testimony to the fact that BJP is a natural party and natural choice of Jammu people. “Vice-versa J&K is focal point and jugular vein for the BJP, whose leaders, including PM Narendra Modi keep visiting the State for more interaction with the people and developmental works,” he further said.
State BJP president Ravinder Raina,  BJP national general secretary (Organization) Ram Lal, national general secretary Saroj Pandey, national vice-president Avinash Rai Khanna MP Jugal Kishore, MP Shamsher Singh, former Union Minister Prof Chaman Lal Gupta, former Deputy Chief Minister Kavinder Gupta, MLC Ashok Khajuria, MLA Sat Sharma, State BJP general secretary (Organization) Ashok Koul and others were on dais while State BJP general secretary Pawan Khajuria anchored the mega event, which was organized in connection with 65th martyrdom day of Dr Shyama Prasad Mookerjee.
Earlier, Amit Shah arrived here this morning and he was accorded a rousing reception by the BJP youth wing activists, who took him to the State Guest House in the form of a rally.
During his day-long stay here, Amit Shah took a series of meetings with the State BJP leaders and discussed strategy for the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections.