Drying up of terror funding channels

The channels that run  gushing straight to separatists, bringing flow of money in different forms, have got to be dried up to the extent of heaping a drought on them by agencies none other than the coordinated action of  National Investigation Agency (NIA) and the Enforcement Directorate (ED). Now that there is Governor’s rule in Jammu and Kashmir, the noose around the traitors, the Kashmiri separatist leaders is expected to be further tightened. As already known, these separatist leaders are allegedly involved in terror funding and money laundering activities which keep the wheels of ongoing terrorism and other acts of violence well greased.
The first line of over ground terrorism in Kashmir valley, the stone pelting,  is well known to be getting succour and all bolstering from funds provided by separatists who mop them from money laundering and fountainheads of terrorism from across the border. In fact, currently many such traitors are facing trials and are in judicial custody.
The issue of a well organized and coordinated action against those involved in terror funding and money laundering from the separatist fold was recently discussed in a high level meeting which was chaired by Union Home Secretary and attended by the Director General of the National Investigating Agency, Director of the Enforcement Directorate and other officials. It is undoubtedly significant for the meeting as it was convened days after the imposition of the Governor’s rule following withdrawal by the BJP from the Coalition Government in the State. In fact, spurt in terror activities despite slew of measures by the Central Government to restore truce in the strife torn districts of Kashmir valley and a coordinated approach as a fitting response from the combined coalition was found wanting leading to parting of ways by the BJP and the resultant imposition of the Governor’s rule.
It is increasingly expected that under Governor’s rule, there being no heterogeneity in directions and policy matters to take on and nip the structural support of  the separatists to buoy terror activities in the State, there will be far more good results from the offensive launched against them so that the backbone of subversive activities is broken. The threads can be picked further from the charge sheet filed in a Delhi court against terrorists Hafiz Saeed, Sallahuddin and ten other Kashmiri separatists in cases of terror funding and anti India and secessionist activities in the valley. How Hurriyat leaders have made terror and terror funding a family run business can be gauged by the fact that the son – in – law of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the Pakistani hawk separatist leader is an accused among the ten persons in the charge sheet filed by the NIA. Even Geelani’s personal assistant, his media advisor and strategist  are all involved in shoddy terror money affairs.
This money not only has  made such leaders and their relations considerably wealthier, raising and owning assets but has made their dishonest acts conspicuous vis-a vis the public eyes who though out of fear, do not raise a rebellious movement against them, yet  are, in fact, highly critical of them in their subdued expressions  and soliloquies. This is more so, when they see that by using this money the schools meant for common Kashmiris children too are not spared and are razed to ground to render their  children illiterate to  fall easy prey to terror mechanisms, indoctrinations  and recruitments  in their ranks.
It is , therefore, quite in fitness of things that active investigations are carried out against prima facie cases of terror financing in Jammu and Kashmir under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act and Foreign Exchange Management Act and these anti India secessionist leaders are subjected to the rigours of Law.