Central funds for flood protection

Even after submitting detailed project report by the State Government in connection with flood protection works along the prodigious river Chenab, Union Water Resources Ministry is unlikely to recommend granting of Central funds for it during the current year too for associated genuine reasons.  The Ministry has made in- depth study of the changes occurring in the river, its shape, its direction and allied perceptible reorienting and remoulding which is technically known as morphological changes.
River morphology has been a subject of great challenge to scientists and engineers as any effort in respect of river engineering must be based on proper understanding of the morphological features. As is customary, certain queries in respect of the Project Report have been raised and the State Government having “prepared ” replies to them and subject to the satisfaction of the concerned Union Ministry notwithstanding, it is going to take some more time for Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune in conducting the morphology study of the river. We can say, at the outset, better late than never.
The State Government has to pay the professional fees of Rs.18.70 lakh to the Research Station for accomplishing the task. Here, an important issue is worth deliberating upon and that pertains to the proverbial digging of the well when the house is afire like approach adopted by the State Government. To make the point clearer, may we ask as to when the exercise of morphology in respect of our rivers was undertaken last. If facts and reports are any indication in this respect , we do not appear to have ever learnt from any State Government that has been in office in the State, having conducting morphological surveys of the rivers followed by ways to offer a response or how to face the changes occurring or having occurred in these rivers .
Had these studies been done periodically and had some peeps been made into the history of pattern of floods and their causes in the State, perhaps the devastating floods of 2014 could have been not of such a horrendous nature, but would have been well manageable. Changing and erratic behavior of the river which is more or less a natural phenomenon and studying it in right earnest, is a precondition to moot any type of solutions to problems related to or caused by rivers or for going in to have the making of water resources projects and the like.
Adding to the inherent natural instincts of rivers to undergo unexpected changes and patters which can create havoc like floods etc, is the encroachments along the sides or banks of the rivers, construction of unauthorized hutments and other unwarranted human interferences leading to worsening of the situation. A cogent result oriented action in matters of studying of morphological behavior of our rivers should have been well started in the year 2009 itself and onwards on a planned and scientific ways by the State Government,. There are no reports, absolutely nil in this respect from the State Government for reasons not known.
We expect that the requisite report is prepared as expeditiously as possible so as to pave the way for release of Central funds.