US supports closer ties between India and Afghanistan

WASHINGTON, May 2: Welcoming the talks between the Indian and Afghan foreign ministers, the US today said that it supports closer ties between the two South Asian nations.
“We certainly support closer ties between India and Afghanistan and between, frankly, the entire region for the greater stability of the region,” State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters at his daily news conference.
“So it’s certainly in India’s interest and Afghanistan’s interest to cooperate more closely,” he said, responding to a question on the India visit of Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul.
In New Delhi, Rassoul yesterday met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who conveyed India’s “unwavering commitment” to assisting Afghanistan in its efforts to build a peaceful, democratic and prosperous country and hoped the strategic bilateral partnership would be further strengthened.
Besides his meeting with Singh, during which they discussed a range of bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual interest, Rassoul also held parleys with External Affairs Minister S M Krishna and National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon. (PTI)