Taj urges people to gear up for Assembly elections

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, July 1:  Former minister and senior PCC leader Taj Mohi-Ud-Din today urged upon the people to gear up for the Assembly elections in near future.
Addressing day long political convention of Congress party workers at Chandanwari Uri in district Baramulla today, senior Congress leader and former minister Taj Mohi-Ud-Din today urged the people to gear for the Assembly elections.
He also said that the hegemony of unholy alliance of PDP- BJP were responsible for the agony and anguish among the people saying that they (people)will never forgive them for betrayal and damages caused to peace and development in the State.
Lashing out at both PDP- BJP for the mess in all the three regions of the State, Taj Mohi-Ud-Din said that the unholy alliance of PDP-BJP has failed  on every count, as  no development has taken place, rather the developmental process started by the UPA -I,  UPA- II in the State has came to standstill. People in far off places especially in Uri have been made to suffer on every count, even they had been denied the basic facilities they deserved
He said Congress will bring the State at a developmental track again ensuring that justice is done to people especially poor and down trodden people. He blamed both PDP-BJP for ignoring people on political lines, saying that during these three years rule, people have not seen any development, rather the exploitation and victimization on the part of ruling parties pushed them (people) to wall.
He asked the people to gear up for the elections and ensure that political exploitation on the part of PDP in Kashmir and BJP in Jammu is defeated.
He said Congress  being a responsible and pro people political force in the country and the State never discriminated with the people, but the PDP-BJP hegemony, which has come to an end recently crossed all limits of discrimination.