Monday July 09-2018
Aries : You may decide upon a bold approach at work. You may even come up with innovative ideas and opinions. But by afternoon, you will again be at a loss. Ganesha suggests that you take time off from work and recharge yourself.
Taurus : This is a day for going on a shopping spree, says Ganesha. There are strong chances that you will be buying something durable and lasting, may be the latest fridge on the stalls. Later in the day, you are most likely to visit an exhibition and pick up some artistic and exotic objects. You will be strongly motivated to get as many things as possible to make your home look classier and brighter.
Gemini : You have a penchant for organising family functions and social programmes. Today, you are likely to organise one more. You plan to renovate your house in the afternoon. By evening, you will be back to your socialising self and may hang out at a popular local joint with a childhood friend.
Cancer : It’s time to meet friends, family members, neighbours, acquaintances, and people in general. Now that you are meeting so many people, you will also pay a visit to the Almighty. So a visit to a nearby temple, mosque, church or any other religious place is likely. In fact, it is likely that you may decide to meet a few people at the holy place itself.
Leo : It is always a small world till you dream big! Ganesha foresees chances of you transcending your regular boundaries as you combine forces with people and conceive interests larger than what most people dream of. This route is not the easiest, in that it may be hard to convince people who see differently, especially conservative bosses. But with luck on your side, you shall see your ongoing business deals coming to happy conclusions. It would be prudent to hold your cards close and delay important decisions in the evening, advises Ganesha.
Virgo : Be the crab who wants to get out of the basket, and make bold, brave moves at work, especially in the way you accomplish your tasks. Also, contribute with brilliant, refreshing ideas. You shall, however, in all probability, remain at sea in the afternoon. But, don’t despair, take a break from work and recharge those sodden batteries, says Ganesha.
Libra : For all purposes intact, Ganesha foresees chances that today you may have an overwhelming urge and desire to renovate your home. It may be the small things, but even a new showpiece can go a long way in adding to the general décor of the house. So go ahead and jazz it up a bit. Towards the evening, your natural ability to be an appealing performer comes to the fore. Let the ones around you expect a shinning display of your talents.
Scorpio : The planets indicate you won’t look before you leap, and commit to a hasty decision at work, says Ganesha. In the afternoon, all those efforts you put in will go down the drain. Expect to catch a seat all alone on a business trip, says Ganesha. In the evening, you may walk that extra mile to please your beloved.
Sagittarius : You may turn to your family for love and happiness today, predicts Ganesha. But your soul searching will come at a high material cost. In the evening, you may encounter a thrilling love prospect with who you might indulge in some adventurous activity. It might be the beginning of a platonic love affair, says Ganesha.
Capricorn : Striving hard to meet deadlines and taking time out to pursue your passion will be the major highlights of the day, says Ganesha. You may also wonder why your boss suddenly appears so pleased with you, but don’t get carried away by the outward show. When everything seems right is exactly when you need to watch out for trouble. This may seem to be too far fetched, but students will excel in studies as well leisure activities.
Aquarius : It’s absolutely alright to attend a social do where you don’t know anyone. Just be your charming self and everything will fall in place. Minor problems may nag. Know how to play a musical instrument? It’s perfect for relaxation, says Ganesha.
Pisces : Today will find you resolute and unwavering in everything that you pursue, and it is a good thing to be, for you will find yourself making substantial progress come afternoon. New relationships could be in the offing today as well, says Ganesha.