
Saturday July 14-2018

Aries : You are in a position to affect other peoples’ lives. Since you are very compassionate and caring, people will look up to you whether as a peer or a superior. Make good use of this excess energy to solve prickly issues. Ganesha encourages large-scale projects.

Taurus : Today, Ganesha sees your mind shifting from your professional affairs and drifting, time and again, towards your home and family. You are likely to return home early and get happily engrossed in discussing pressing domestic issues with your family members. This will possibly be followed by a festive evening filled with fun and laughter. You’re going to devote the whole day to your home and family and will be inclined to do little else.

Gemini : Your family members and your friends will have much higher expectations from you today, and trying to fulfill the same will make your irritable. However, you will figure out creative ways to juggle the many demands made upon you and come out on tops at the end of it all, says Ganesha.

Cancer : The day shall find you in buoyant spirits, indicates Ganesha. As you are feeling lively and full of beans, you will not mind slogging it out, even if in some mindless activities or chores. It is a perfect day for activities like gardening, cooking, baking and even for a nice house warming get-together. Evening stars encourage you to go all out and splurge – emotion-wise, money-wise or time-wise – on your sweetheart!

Leo : You are advised to be more attentive to your work today. You will try to do the best work possible by putting in your maximum efforts. However, the results might turn out to be lower than your expectations. You need to be wary of excessive expenses or financial loss today. You need to escape losses today by keeping your wits above you, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Meticulous as you are, hopefully you won’t grudge the extra quota of domestic responsibilities that comes your way today. But then, since the work is in a more than satisfactory state, some added issues on the home front won’t hurt either. Your subordinates will offer the best of their support, and you shall feel contended at the end of the day. Just remember to not nitpick unnecessarily, as is your habit, warns Ganesha.

Libra : Ganesha says you will spend time with your family members by putting them above other commitments. There may be plans made to go out for dinner or for a short excursion with them. Ganesha says that the health of a close relative maybe a cause of concern for you today.

Scorpio : A cloud of emotions surrounds you today and you would like to spend the entire day in introspection and self-analysis. You will try to raise your bar at professional level. Your far sightedness and capability to understand human psychology promises a leader in you, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : The way you keep your interests alive will keep your mind occupied. Leisure activities and by-lines will by-pass the mundane routine today, foretells Ganesha. Pamper yourself by doing what you like, be it gardening, cooking or even plain old reading. Ganesha also sees a heavy meal with friends late in the day today.

Capricorn : New projects and partnership will keep you busy today, says Ganesha. If a meeting is scheduled, you may be praised vociferously for your ability to make the right decision at the right time. You may also bag rewards for the commendable efforts you’d put in the past.

Aquarius : If you are an astrologer, doctor or a spiritual leader, today is a favourable day for you. Those who may want to challenge you must reconsider the thought of testing your strengths, says Ganesha. Doing charity work, helping the needy, and working for humanitarian causes give you a feeling of contentment. Today, it will be one of those extremely fulfilling days.

Pisces : Just as melting ice caps on faraway mountains can swell the oceans, concerted efforts you make now will have far-reaching beneficial consequences, says Ganesha. Do not be disheartened in the face of obstacles and keep soldiering on.