

Sunday July 15-2018

Aries : Joining a yoga class will be a good decision. You should try ayurvedic foodstuffs too. You may expect a lot of new things to happen today. Ganesha advises you not to worry as there is a good amount of money coming up for you.

Taurus : The day is likely to turn out to be a difficult one. But your maturity and experience in handling adverse situations will come to your aid. You will, as the day advances, be able to sort out the problems that have cropped up and end up on an optimistic note. If you are engaged in business you are likely to fare well and will have no difficulty in concluding the day profitably.

Gemini : A fruitful day loaded with opportunities awaits you. You will be able to complete all your tasks easily at the work-front. However, you will need to put in extra effort to satisfy others. You will be engaged in discussions with your family members and neighbours later on, says Ganesha.

Cancer : It is very likely that your old contacts will come quite handy for you today, foresees Ganesha. At work, your skills in developing a quick rapport with others will help you perform better. People will have a high regard for your honesty. You will excel in social gatherings in the evening.

Leo : With today’s alignment of your planets, Ganesha foresees you heading for a shopping bonanza. Be prepared to come back home weighed down with goodies, as you are likely to squander a considerable amount on them. On the work front, it’s a completely different story as you display your maturity and mellowness. Look forward to the evening, says Ganesha, as you are in for a sweet treat from your heartthrob.

Virgo : Homesickness will make you yearn and leave you musing during the day. You will try making sincere efforts to add more fibres to the cloth of relationships. Energy levels will go bonkers today. All in all, Ganesha sees a sanctified day.

Libra : Ganesha says today is a day where your attention will be on your family. You will give prime importance to them and may even keep aside work to pay attention to the happiness and well being of your family members. This is a good opportunity to plan an outing with your family members. Work wise too you will be getting golden opportunities to move up. Ganesha says wait and watch, there will soon come the time when you can change your dreams into reality.

Scorpio : The faucet of creativity will run wild today, especially when you try sorting things out with your siblings. Today, you shall bypass all incoming troubles with much ease. Your ingenuity will help you bag a job later, perhaps. In the evening, you will be the Good Samaritan and bring peace to someone, predicts Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Chances are high that you will be isolated and left to fend for yourself. Your resourcefulness and enterprising nature may be tested by an unpleasant situation. Seeking Ganesha’s blessings can make all the difference.

Capricorn : It’s all true and not too hard to digest either: your family will be your ladder to success and will bless you with all the luck you need, says Ganesha. You will make a good head-start today, right from your home, and will continue to maintain the same tempo at work too. Only at the fag end of the day will you realise that you are richer, not in terms of the amount of money you have, but by the number of hearts you will have won with your million dollar smile.

Aquarius : If embroiled in a litigation, it is advisable that you settle out of court. Your resilience carries you through tough times. But your conviction and courage is often misunderstood for rigidity. Soften your attitude, suggests Ganesha, if you want to prove others wrong.

Pisces : You may find yourself unable to take critical decisions on a split-second basis today, and will probably keep second-guessing yourself. Your family will be in focus today. Romance is in the air, and the evening should probably see you spend time with your soul mate, says Ganesha.