Speaker admits no-trust motion

NEW DELHI, July 18:
The Lok Sabha will on Friday debate and vote on an opposition-sponsored no-confidence motion against the Modi Government—the first since the BJP-led NDA combine came to power four years ago—after the Speaker today admitted their notices.
The no-trust motion in Parliament that was moved and accepted by Speaker Sumitra Mahajan for the first time in 15 years does not pose a threat to the Government as the NDA enjoys a comfortable majority. In August 2003, the Congress with the help of other opposition parties had moved a no-confidence motion against the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government but it was defeated by a huge margin.
The Speaker’s decision on the motion by former BJP ally TDP and others came on the very first day of the Winter session of Parliament amid speculation of a “deal” between the Government and the Opposition to enable smooth conduct of the proceedings. But Congress circles rejected such a speculation.
The opposition’s moves for a no-confidence motion had come to a nought in the last Budget session that was washed out due to continued uproar by the TDP, TRS and some other parties demanding that the Government agree to the motion. Protests in the Well by members on various issues had also added to the chaos. The Budget session ended on April 6.
The Speaker had then disallowed the notices on the grounds that the House was not in order.
Admitting the notices for the motion moved by several opposition parties today, Speaker Mahajan asked the TDP’s Kesineni Srinivas to move his motion.
Later, she announced that “the House will take up the debate (on the motion) on Friday, July 20th. The discussion will be held for the full day, followed by voting on it.”
She also said there will be no Question Hour on that day and the House would have no other business, barring the discussion on the no-confidence motion.
Earlier, the Speaker had said that she would announce the date for the debate in 2-3 days.
During the Zero Hour, she named all members from the Telugu Desam Party(TDP), Congress and Nationalist Congress Party(NCP)  among others, who had moved similar no- confidence motion notices.
“More than 50 members are supporting the motion, so the leave is granted (to bring in no-confidence motion),” Mahajan said while accepting the notices. (PTI)