Banning TV channels, de-registering LoC traders bold decisions: JPPF

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 19: Appreciating the Governor, NN Vohra for taking unprecedented decisions to provide neat and clean administration, besides reviving normalcy in the trouble torn State, Jammu Province People Forum has termed his steps as bold, sincere and in right directions to streamline the administration also rectify the wrongs committed by the Kashmir centric coalition during their three years misrule.
Addressing a meeting, president Pavitter Singh Bhardwaj lauded the Governor for his land mark decision to de-register dubious LoC traders as there has been lot of complaints of arm and ammunition smuggling through this post in the garb of LoC trade to promote unrest and Pakistan sponsored militancy to continue turmoil in the Valley.
Revamping entire civil administration and activation of the Governor grievance cell with thorough involvement of his Advisors to be present at both the capitals Jammu  and Srinagar every week will definitely streamline the civil administration and the public in turn will get justice in view of the fact that the performance of the Grievance Cell from June 20 to July 16 has been really remarkable as more than 80 percent public grievances stand attended and set in motion for logical conclusion.
For the first time, in the history of State the Government under the Governor’s rule has banned the telecasting and transmitting of 34 channels in the Srinagar city aired from Pakistan & Saudi Arabia. These channels infact were spitting venom against the nation and  adversely affecting the social fabric of the society and spreading communalism on the tune of ISIS ,active since quite some time in the past.
While appealing the Governor, the president requested him to rescind the February 14, 2018 the Tribal Affair Department minutes of meetings taken by  Mehbooba Mufti the then Chief Minister imposing blanket restrictions on eviction of encroachers by the tribals as this has created furore and caused vehement concern among the people of Jammu about possible demographic change.
Others who attended the meeting included Inderjeet Khajuria, Avinash Bhatia, ML Sharma, Sunita Sharma, Rajinder Gupta, RS Jamwal, Prof OP Sharma, Prof Darshan Bhatia, Rajesh Thapa, Balwan Singh, Rajiv Mahajan and Pawan Sharma.