Handling court cases

There is no denying the fact that handling court cases needs dedicated and enthusiastic approach and as a natural corollary, it should be incumbent upon all Departmental Heads and Administrative Secretaries to show added performance in the area. However, it may look surprising with an added curiosity, as to why majority of such officers are found wanting in showing their expected zeal. Repeated instructions from Department of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs appear to be addressed to empty chairs and not the ones paid to occupy them to act, comply with and abide by.
We have been arguing for rewards and penalties for showing good performance and non performance respectively by those who are mandated to act and work only and never shirk under the false notion that such bouts of non performance would get melted down and not pin pointed in the vast spectrum of the administrative set up. Who monitors, reviews, follows up and who makes periodic reporting of such court cases cannot be allowed to be no one’s responsibility. It speaks absolutely not well about such select bureaucracy when the Governor himself has taken this recklessness on their part very seriously. It has now very rightly been decided to identify such officers and other officials who are creating obstacles in implementation of instructions in the instant matter so that suitable disciplinary action could be initiated against them.
The interests of the State have got to be safeguarded which can be done only through the defined mechanism of the State which is in the form of personnel engaged by  the State Government and who are adequately paid for that job. Not monitoring the progress of court cases, not going in for preferring appeals by the departments concerned within the stipulated time before the next judicial forum and other desired responses, obviously willfully, could land at misconduct under service rules. The rule of the entire matter is that no loss should occur to the employer, herein the State, and any loss suffered due to negligence or willful indifference on the part of any employee must be fully and duly recovered. That message needs to be strengthened to get desirable results in handling court cases.