Mooted a decade back, Bursar Hydroelectric Project yet to overcome procedural hiccups

State fails to prepare irrigation plan, start work on connecting road

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, July 25: Planned over a decade back, Bursar Hydroelectric Project in Kishtwar district is still facing procedural hiccups as a result of which no time-frame can be specified for start of work on it. The prevailing situation is notwithstanding the fact that Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has flagged it as a priority project to tap available water potential on a large scale that too within the ambit of Indus Water Treaty (IWT).
Official sources told EXCELSIOR that Bursar Project with the capacity to generate 800 Mega Watts of electricity was mooted in the year 2008 and Central Water Commission recommended Hanzal as the most techno-economic feasible site for its construction.
Accordingly, National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (project executing authority) commenced survey and investigation work and incurred an expenditure of Rs 132.71 crore during 2008-09 and 2012-13 on this exercise.
However, in January 2013 the State Government decided to shift the project site as construction of project at Hanzal would involve prohibitive cost due to adverse conditions, complexity of design and relatively larger submergence area. “The change in site despite being cleared from techno-economic point of view by the Central Water Commission (CWC) resulted into avoidable expenditure of Rs 132.71 crore besides delay of several years”, sources said.
“Even five years after the change in the site the project continues to face procedural hiccups and clearance of Detailed Project Report by the Central Water Commission”, they said, adding “DPR is under appraisal in CWC since January 2017 for want of necessary vital information from the State Government”.
Stating that time bound and comprehensive surveys and investigations are critical for formulation of DPRs, realistic budget estimates and timelines as well as subsequently for unhindered execution of work, sources said, “timelines stipulated for approval of project were not adhered to by the CWC”, adding “approval of project was also complicated due to change in the site at the later stage”.
Moreover, the State Government has yet not submitted irrigation plan to the Union Ministry of Water Resources although directions in this regard were issued a number of times by the Prime Minister’s Office, Union Water Resources Ministry and NHPC.
“Bursar is basically the multi-purpose project as it will also help in providing irrigation facilities to huge chunk of land in its catchment area”, sources said while disclosing that last year Prime Minister’s Office had directed the State Government to prepare a plan for irrigation facilities within shortest possible time and submit the same for approval and funding.
Stating that around 20 kilometres long road is also required to be constructed for facilitating smooth movement of men and machinery to the project site, sources said, “this is the responsibility of the State Government but till date work has not been started”, adding “it seems that State has not realized the importance of the project which otherwise would benefit Jammu and Kashmir immensely”.
When contacted, an officer of NHPC confirmed that project is still facing procedural hiccups and State Government has yet not submitted irrigation plan and started work on the approach road.
When asked, the officer expressed inability to specify time-frame for start of work on the project, which has been declared as national project by the Union Ministry of Water Resources. “It is a fact that Prime Minister’s Office has flagged Bursar as a priority project because of its unique features but procedural formalities are taking undue time”, he added.
It is pertinent to mention here that the Bursar Project is the storage dam scheme permitted under Indus Water Treaty and is the first such project with storage capacity of 0.5 MAF in Chenab Basin. This project will help in regulating the flow of water in River Chenab thus will benefit itself as well all other downstream projects by enhancing their potential.
The storage capacity of Bursar Project would be much more than the storage capacity of Dul Hasti, Baglihar and Salal Hydroelectric Projects and during the period when the discharge of water in River Chenab decreases considerably storage dam of Bursar Project will release sufficient water so as to help these three.