Mother A divine inspiration

Vinod Verma
Death is not the end of life. It’s only the beginning. The crest and crowning of all good life’s final star is Motherhood- a divine inspiration. The best portion of a woman’s life is her little, nameless, dedicated acts of kindness and of love. The soul that perpetually overflows with kindness and sympathy will always be cheerful. Her best work is done, our greatest influence is exerted when we are without thoughts of self. Be perfectly resigned, then alone can we do any “true work”.
Lives of great mothers all remind us,
We can make our all lives sublime
And departing leave behind us,
Footprints on the sands of time.
If things ever become too much for you or too hard, just ask your mother to help you. She will place her arms under your burden , lighten your load and lift your spirit. The most delicate, the most sensible of all her pleasures consists in promoting the pleasures of others. No body gets tired of hearing the words “I love you”. Tell your mother how much she means to you at every opportunity. Blessing goes to the grateful heart. Mother wants nothing, else than to be loved, for she loves for no other purpose than that she may be loved, knowing that those who love her are blessed by that love. Only love is pre-eminently the way for the great journey.
The objective of parental guidance is to teach the practical methods, the exact techniques of working the human consciousness without obstructions of improved beliefs. She taught us how to rise above the delusion of separation and realize the oneness by identifyng one’self with restless mind.
I have at various times heard her giving the instructions concerning the self- discipline ,training and austerities necessary in order to make progress along the pathway which is the “Bhakti way”. So I will give the substance of that memorable discourse : one must work earnnestly and resolutely to that end and care for nothing else. The candidate to spiritual life must lead a life of truth, penance and right conduct. The aspirant must have a Guru. The cooperation of a great guru who has walked the path himself and atttained self realization is absolutely necessary . There is no difficulty in finding a Guru: When the follower has done all he can in self enquiry and self training the Guru will come either in the body or unseen. Mother would say ” If necessary God himself will come down and be your Guru”.
The absence of any visual sign of decay in the body offer most extraordinary case in the experience. No physical disintegration was visible in her body. No indication of visible desiccation took place in bodily tissues. No odour of decay emanated from her body at any time. There was no reason to say that her body here suffered any visible disintegration at all. It points out to the one divine highway to which all paths of truthfulness eventually lead, the highway of devotional basis of her united kinship with God. Her “Plain Living & High Thinking” spread a spirit of motherhood among us.