Cong, NC befooling people of Jammu with ‘selective nationalism’: Dr Jitendra

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Aug 11: Lashing out at opposition Congress and National Conference (NC), Union Minister of State in PMO with independent charge of North Eastern States, Dr Jitendra Singh today accused them of befooling the people with selective nationalism.
Talking to reporters on the sidelines of a function here this morning, the Union Minister said that the two parties were exposed for their double speak and have lost the peoples trust and faith. He said when in Jammu the leaders of these two parties speak the language of BJP to describe Kashmir as an integral part of India and also invoke legacy of Maharaja Hari Singh, the late Dogra ruler of the State, but when in Srinagar, the same leaders speak the language of Hurriyat hardliner, Syed Ali Shah Geelani and refer to so called aspirations of the people of the Valley.
He further said that they also observe the Martyrs’ Day on July 13 to denigrate the Maharaja Hari Singh, and asked these parties that they can no longer misled the people with their double speak and double standards.
Without naming Article 35 A which he said is subjudice, Dr Jitendra Singh alleged that Congress and NC leaders are also opposed to grant of equal rights to the women folk of this country at par with men. “This is the reason that the two parties opposed Triple Talaq in Lok Sabha yesterday as they don’t want to give equal rights to Muslim women of this country,” he added.

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“In J&K also they are opposed to giving inheritance rights to the girls marrying outside the State on their ancestral property”, he said, adding “they spread canards that outsiders will settle in the State, capture business and jobs which is totally false”.
He said had this been so then there would have been the law like Art 35 A in every State of India and as per the service rules preference in jobs is given to locals every where and there should be no misgivings in this regard.
He also alleged that a confusion has been created about Articles 35A, 370 and 371 to mislead the people which needs to be cleared as there is no link between them.
The Union Minister said that those leaders propagating that the people in State will lose the jobs and business as outsiders will take control over them, he added if they think so then they should close their own business establishments  across Lakhanpur, first.
Dr Jitendra Singh also criticized the Congress for opposing the ouster of outside settlers like Bangladeshis in Assam. He said though 35 years back the then Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi had decided to maintain National Register  for Citizens (NRC), the party when in Government over the years failed to act on the same and it was only under BJP rule that a solution was found to the problem.
He said that outsiders settled in Assam have to go and likewise the outsiders like Rohingyas and Bangladeshis settled in Jammu have to be sent back to their respective countries.
Besides, that it will also be ascertained that who were the people responsible for settling  them here from such a far off place. They were settled here in Congress and NC rule to change demography for vote bank politics, he added.
Later addressing a function organized by Ekal Abhiyan and Arogya Foundation in connection with holding of health camp, Dr Jitendra Singh said those who say that the BJP has deceived the people should see that our social activists and organizations are working in far of places of the State in the field of education and health sector for years together.
“Such leaders are in a habit of making one statement in Jammu and another in Kashmir just for their vested political interests”, he said, adding that they don’t hesitate in speaking the language of terrorists in Kashmir and become nationalists in Jammu.
While lauding the role of Ek Vidyalaya and Arogya Foundation, Dr Jitendra Singh said “we have to be dedicated to social cause but at the same time counter such allegations made by the people for their vested interests”.
He said the role of Ek Vidyalaya is not only to give physical strength to the people but also give them moral strength.
He said these people reach out to those far-flung areas where the Government has not still opened the schools to provide education to the people by establishing the Ek Vidyalaya. They are doing yeoman’s service to the society which should be acknowledged by one and all, he added.
He said likewise the Arogya Foundation is also in the service of masses in the health sector. He said there are some common diseases which were not common over 25-30 years back. The Diabetes, hypertension and heart diseases are on increase now. Earlier these diseases were related to a particular class of people but now they are common and the social organizations working in health sector role have increased responsibility now.
He regretted that there are doctors at various places without infrastructure and where there is infrastructure there are no doctors and said the Ek Vidyalaya and Arogya Foundation perform this duty in these far off places.
Dr Harash Anand of Arogya Foundation of India, S K Mittal of Ekal Abhiyan, Swami Divyanand, Dr Viyas Dev president, Arogya Foundation J&K and R K Koul, president Ekal Abhiyan, J&K, also spoke on the occasion.