Contain “flourishing transfer industry”

It is unpalatable that the system of and rationale behind effecting transfers of State employees should present itself in a prosaic form with motives attached and many circles in the society terming transfers as nothing short of an industry, a commercial industry. While placing the entire structure of the eligibility of transfers from one place to the other based on designated personnel policies on transfers established over years, it appears “other considerations” are working behind it in an organized way.
Agriculture Production Department, for example, has come in limelight in how several transfers and postings without the formal approval of the higher authorities, presently the Advisor concerned, have been made. Following the exposure, the Government has kept certain transfer orders and postings in abeyance. It must also be followed by departmental action too.
It is learnt that Mehraj-ud-Din Khan as Commissioner /Secretary to Government Agriculture Production Department issued several orders of transfers and postings of officials of different ranks without the approval of the Advisor to the Governor. Different transfer orders in a single day issued by the officer in contravention of official rules and procedures raise many doubts. Not only this, the officer is reported to have issued similar orders even after the date of his own (genuine) transfer order from the department by General Administration Department.
In order not to get transfer orders tagged with motives attributed or alleged to be done for some consideration, the need is to have a well defined transparent transfer policy so that it leaves no loopholes or exit routes for any manipulations.