Consumer awareness

This has reference to the news item ‘Akhoon calls for creating mass awareness” DE Dec 25. Observing Consumer Day holds no meaning unless the State Government takes action against those who violate rules with impunity.
In market these days, there is open loot as there is no check on prices of essential commodities and other items of daily use.
The shopkeepers sell their goods as per their terms. If a consumer checks prices of the same commodity at different places, he sees prices varying to his shock. One who does not have haggling experience, gets looted easily.
One has never seen consumers feeling so helpless as they are finding themselves these days. The agencies that are supposed to check this loot are in a stupor. One does not know whom can one approach with the grievance. Till the agencies come out of this apathetic state, shopkeepers, vendors will continue to fleece hapless customers. Mere asking consumers to be aware of their rights is not going to change the system. There should be concrete action.
Yours etc…
Abdul Hamid