Art 35-A denies fundamental rights to WPRs, others: Ankur

Advocate Ankur Sharma, chairman ‘Ekk Jutt Jammu’ speaking at a seminar in Jammu on Saturday. —Excelsior/ Rakesh
Advocate Ankur Sharma, chairman ‘Ekk Jutt Jammu’ speaking at a seminar in Jammu on Saturday. —Excelsior/ Rakesh

‘Ikk Jutt Jammu’ organizes seminar

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 25: The civil society in Jammu today strongly opposed the continuation of Article 35-A in the Jammu and Kashmir and said that this Article denies fundamental right to the West Pakistan refugees and others in the State.
Addressing members of the civil society including intellectuals, academicians, students, political and social activists from the region at seminar organised by Ekk Jutt Jammu on the topic ‘Article 35-A : Jammu under Siege‘ here today, leading lawyer from Jammu and chairman of Ekk Jutt Jammu, Ankur Sharma said that the act represented the endeavour to convert J&K into a Muslim state. It ensures perpetuation of Kashmiri hegemony against Jammu.  Click here to watch video
He said people of Jammu province suffer a second class colonised subject class status. Article 35-A denies fundamental rights to lakhs of West Pakistani Refugees; brave Gorkhas and Safai Karamcharis of Valmiki Samaj. “It represents Constitutional Jihad, so as soon as it goes the better,” he added.
Mr Sharma said ‘Ikk Jutt Jammu’ has already filed an intervention application in the Supreme Court of India seeking abrogation of Article 35-A. He hoped that better sense will prevail upon the Union Government and it issue a Presidential Order soon declaring abrogation of Article 35-A. He said,” we have already succeeded in blocking the implementation of Roshni Act which sought regularisation of captured state lands in favour of one select community and will leave no stone unturned in Supreme Court to work hard for the abrogation of Article 35-A”.
Pawan Gupta, MLA, said that most dangerous implication of Article 35-A is the gender inequality, it has created females living in the state as second class citizens and deprived the children born of the women married outside the state the rights of normal citizens of the state. The Act should be dismantled brick by brick through deft interventions legal ad well as political.
Sonam Mahajan also supported the view that time has come to annul this act. “ If Supreme Court declares the act as unconstitutional it will be greatest service to the rule of law in this nation and sanctity of the Constitution of India as well as the Parliament,” she maintained.
Prof Madhu Kishwar said that Jinnah and Muslim League wanted to convert India into a ‘Dar Al Islam’. “ Sadly even after the bloody partition, Indian leadership allowed the Muslim Community to institutionalise through legal and constitutional means countless provisions that discriminate in favour of Muslims, and treat Hindus as second class citizens. Article 35-A is one such glaring example that tramples the core principles of Indian Constitution. Along with Article 370 it is an instrument for continued demographic invasion of India till is converted into Far Al Islam.”
Dr Ajay Chrungoo, Chairman Panun Kashmir, described Article 370 as the mother of subversion of Indian nation and 35-A as it’s child. “ Both represent the continuation of the idea of Pakistan on the territory of India. Both have converted J&K into a Muslim State which is now fast becoming a totalitarian Islamist state. “ 35-A is an expression of enslavement of all non-Muslims living in the State. Its abrogation is critical if India has to remain as an inclusive and tolerant country.”
Ashwani Sharma, Amit Gupta and several other speakers also strongly pleaded for abrogation of Art 35-A. Shailendra Aima, noted social activist presented vote of thanks.