Ban drugs

Drinking is a curse on society, a blot on humanity and the ruin of a person addicted to it. A Government which earns revenue by selling wine and intoxicating drugs is guilty of a social as well as a moral wrong. A nation of drunkards is a weak and demoralised nation.
Drinking has been condemned by almost all the religions of the world. All religions have condemned drinking as a sin.
Drinking is not good. It is injurious to health. It s morally dangerous and economically ruinous. The excessive use of wine damages the liver and the heart. It is a sheer waste of money.
So, Government should impose a ban on selling of wines and intoxicating drugs. Prohibition should be introduced gradually and not all of a sudden. Public co-operation is a must to make prohibition a complete success.
Sanjay Dhar,
Laxmi Nagar, Sarwal,