Director FCS&CA listens problems of Ration Dealers

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 11: Director, Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Amit Sharma here today listened the grievances of Ration Dealers of Jammu.
In a meeting of Fair Price Shop Ration Dealers Association Jammu organized for the first time the Director Amit Sharma was chief guest while Deputy Director Food & Rationing, Kulraj Singh and Assistant Director Mills, Ranjit Singh Chib were also present.
Association President, Prabhu Dayal Sharma and other office bearers brought various problems being faced by Ration Dealers into the notice of the Director who in turn issued on spot directions to his officers to address all genuine issues of Ration Dealers.
The Director also asked Ration Dealers to adopt fair-play strategy and refrain from malpractices like diversion of ration meant for poor, non-maintenance of accounts, under-weighing or selling sub-standard ration.
The Director assured the Ration Dealers that their issues relating to timely payment of carriage and commission or advance deduction of commission charges, deliverance mechanism for deliverance of Ration supplies to the shops or depots from departmental stores, provision of fine quality of atta by millers and implementation of Rehber-e-Khurak scheme by the department shall be taken up with authorities for redressal at an earliest.