Name of Book : Western Political Thought
Author : Dr Shaveta Sharma
Publisher : Aadee Publishing House,
Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi
This 189-page book is about the fundamental basics of the political science and its theory and thoughts. Dr. Shaveta Sharma is the writer of this well-written work.
As per the author of this book under-review, it is conceived and written with the intent of providing quality reading material to the Political Science students. Dr Shaveta Sharma is presently posted at Government College for Women , Udhampur. After Master’s in Political Science and Ph. D degree from the University of Jammu she has gained the teaching experience and learnt about aspiration and expectations of the students and the book takes adequate care of all the aspects and angles of the student community as also the common readers. She has already written books : Reference Book in Political Science, Contemporary World Politics and Indian Politics, International Politics and Introduction to Political Science.
Political Thinkers
The book has been divided into four units dealing with the important political thinkers from the First Unit : Plato (427-347 B.C.) who has propounded the concepts of justice and theory of politics in ancient Greece kingship and other thoughts. The Second Unit mainly deals with Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) and depicts the evolving theory of political thinking. The Third Unit has taken up the political theory of Machiavells (1469-1527 A.D) dealing with Renaissance and its impact on the political thought process while the Fourth Unit focuses on political scientist John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) who has given his thoughts on Liberty, Thoughts and Expression as also his concept of representative Government. At the end of each chapter, a separate portion of quick recapitulation is added for better understanding. John Stuart Mills views were in favour of women equality.
Study Made Easy
The writer, Dr. Shaveta has explained in easy terms the theories of political science for the students
The distinct feature of this book is that it has been written in simple language and the entire subject made easy to understand. She has been involved in the teaching of political science and used her experience for putting across the ideas in pro-learners style .
The book has been well produced, finely printed and written in a simple language. It is good that it has been moderately priced and is useful for the students as well as the common man
(Starline Syndicate Service)