PHE daily wagers stage protest demonstration, court arrests

Protesting PHE daily wagers being arrested by police near Dogra Chowk in Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Protesting PHE daily wagers being arrested by police near Dogra Chowk in Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 15: The members of All J&K PHE ITI Trained, CP Workers and Land Donors Association as a part of their ‘Jail Bharo Andolan’ today courted arrests during strong protest near Press Club here today.
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The PHE daily wagers who are on strike for the last more than ten days today held  massive protest demonstration near Press Club in the morning. The protest was led by Tanveer Hussain, president of the Association. It was attended by hundreds of workers besides divisional/district presidents and general secretaries and Central Committee members.
Addressing the workers rally Tanveer Hussain said they have given so many ultimatums to the Government but nothing has been done for them regarding their pending wages of last 42 months. He said that workers are being denied their wages. Their families are starving but department is not serious towards their issues. He said that now when we are left with no option other than “Kaam Chod Hartal” our department and government will be responsible for any inconvenience to the public.
He alleged that Government failed to keep its promise of releasing salary on recent festivals. He said that Government should immediately release all the pending wages of the daily wagers without any delay. He said during announcement of SRO it was assured that proper wages head will be formed and daily wagers will get regular salaries without any delay but it was just an eye wash. He demanded that Government should keep its promise and should release all salaries.
He further announced that ten days are over but no one from Administration seems to be serious regarding workers’ issues. He said the Government was compelling them to go for Jail Bharo Andolan.
When the protesting PHE /ITI trained workers took out protest rally towards Dogra Chowk and Tawi bridge, the strong contingent of police intercepted them and stopped their movement. There was some resistance from the workers side. Later, police arrested around 130 workers, packed them in buses and then shifted to District Police Lines, Gandhinagar. They were later released in the evening.
Prominent among others who accompanied included Deepak Gupta, Subhash Rakwal, Bhanu Partap, Sanjeev Thakur, Jeevan Singh, Balbir Jasmeria, Govind Kumar, Parveen Ahmed, Pawan Kumar, Dhani Ram, Sohan Choudhary, Manjeet Singh and others.