Maharaja Hari Singh’s birthday celebrated across Jammu region

Former Minister Ch Lal Singh leading massive rally at Tawi bridge in Jammu on Sunday. — Excelsior/Rakesh
Former Minister Ch Lal Singh leading massive rally at Tawi bridge in Jammu on Sunday. — Excelsior/Rakesh

Lal Singh leads massive rally from Kathua to Jammu

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 23: The birthday of the last ruler of the J&K State, Maharaja Hari Singh was celebrated with great enthusiasm by the people of Jammu region while former minister Ch Lal Singh led a massive rally of the people from Kathua to Jammu despite rain, to mark this historic occasion. Click here to watch video
In connection with the celebrations of the birthday of Maharaj Hari Singh, several rallies were taken out from various parts of Jammu. Though it was raining in the region since early morning today, but it did not lower the enthusiasm of the people.
Shri Amar Kashatriya Rajput Sabha led by Narayan Singh Jamwal and Youth Rajput Sabha took out rallies in Jammu and other parts and assembled at the `Smarak’ of Maharaja Hari Singh at main Tawi bridge and paid floral tributes to Late Maharaja. Besides Narayan Singh, several other prominent persons threw light on the achievements and social reforms brought in the society by the Maharaja. They also strongly demanded declaration of state holiday on the birth anniversary of Maharaja Hari Singh which falls on Sept 23.
They alleged that aspirations of the people of Jammu have been dishonoured by the previous BJP-PDP Govt and also the previous respective Governments for not declaring holiday on the birthday of Maharaja Hari Singh despite it being the popular demand of the people here. It is unfortunate that despite passage of a resolution in the Upper House of the J&K Legislature regarding holiday on Sept 23, the previous BJP-PDP Government failed to declare holiday on this day.
At Raj Tilak Bhawan, Purani Mandi special Puja and havan was performed by members of Shri Amar Kshatriya Rajput Sabha J&K, Shakha Sabhas of the region and heads of other organizations like Brahman Sabha, Mahajan Sabha, president Bar Association Jammu, CCI Jammu and others. They paid floral tributes to Maharaja and lauded his social reforms and works for the State.
State BJP chief Ravinder Raina, former DyCM Kavinder Gupta and MLA Rajesh Gupta and president Rajput Sabha Narayan Singh addressed the gathering and paid tributes to Maharaja.
Former minister, Ch Lal Singh (BJP MLA and Ex-MP), today took out a strong rally from Kathua up to the Memorial of Maharaja Hari Singh at main Tawi bridge, near Dogra Chowk in Jammu. Braving rain since early morning, a large number of people irrespective of religion and caste assembled at Kathua and started grand rally from there. They were carrying flags of `Duggar Land’, depicting lion and goat in the middle and banners of Maharaja Hari Singh.
Since it was raining, the idea of carrying open vehicles and many bikes etc was dropped and hundreds of people in more than 100 buses, 70 mini-buses and about 60 cars/jeeps and on bikes started their rally from Kathua at around 11 am. At Barnoti, Rajbagh, Chadwal, Dayala-chack, Hiranagar, Kootah, Ghagwal, Samba and Vijaypur hundreds of people joined the rally. Ch Lal Singh was greeted by people at many places on the way. They reached Satwari Chowk at around 2 pm. A large number of people from Jammu and adjoining areas joined them and from there, the on-foot rally started which reached at Tawi bridge amidst loud slogans. Brass band team clad in unique dress and drum beaters in traditional dress were leading the rally. Many youth clad in Dogra dress bearing turbans were dancing at the rythem of drums. The volunteers were distributing sweets among people and water stalls had been raised en-route by the people.
On reaching at the Samarak, Ch Lal Singh and others paid floral tributes at the statue of Great Maharaja. He also addressed strong gathering strongly demanding declaration of Holiday on Sept 23, to mark the birthday of Maharaja Hari Singh. He also stressed the need for unity among the Dogras and said that State Governor must declare Holiday on the birthday of Mahararaja Hari Singh.
The rally then moved to the Hari Niwas Palace where a grand concluding function was organized by Ajatshtru Singh- grandson and great grand son- Ranvijay Singh of the Maharaja. Besides Ajatshatru Singh and Ranvijay Singh, the rally was also addressed by Ch Lal Singh. A grand lunch had been arranged for the people participating in the rally at the Palace.
Massive traffic jams were created in various areas of Jammu city due to rally. Though Traffic authorities had diverted vehicular traffic to various other routes but despite that traffic jams created trouble for the general public for several hours.
Rajput Sabha Samba led by Capt Inder Sigh also celebrated birth anniversary of Maharaja Hari Singh. MLC Ajatshatru Singh, grandson of Late Maharaja Hari Singh and local MLA DK Manyal were the special guests on the occasion. Rajput Sabha president J&K, Narayan Singh Jamwal also attended the function.
Dogra Saddar Sabha led by its president former minister Thakur Gulchain Singh Charak organized a function in this connection and paid floral tributes to great Maharaja. Mr Charak and various other speakers threw light on the achievements and social reforms of Maharaja Hari Singh. They demanded holiday on the birthday of Maharaja. They said the resolution of the J&K Legislature should have been implemented.
National Panthers Party led by its chairman and former minister Harsh Dev Singh also organized function in party office Gandhinagar where he along with party leaders and activists paid floral tributes to Maharaja Hari Singh.
ABVP unit of GHSS Muthi led by Kulbir Singh and Avinash Sethi also paid tributes to Maharaja Hari Singh and demanded holiday on this day.
Jammu West Assembly Movement led by Sunil Dimple and Baba Kailakh Dev Parbandhak committee also organized functions in this connection and demanded declaration of state holiday on this day. At Slathia Chowk Udhampur, the locals of the area organized function and paid floral tributes to Maharaja Hari Singh.