The terrorist is “insulted”

Shiban Khaibri
When Pakistan “reciprocated” India’s peace initiatives by invading Kargil in 1999 which was an elusive project of Parvez Musharraf from the days he was a Brigadier and in 1988 shared the plan with the then Pakistan PM Benazir Bhutto with an aim to wrest Kashmir from India, later gave a practical shape to his diabolic plan in 1999 as Army chief and when earlier Ms. Bhutto had rejected the idea for fear of international isolation. The dead bodies of Pakistani soldiers were given full military honours due to them not only under various international conventions but because of ancient high Indian civilization and were handed over to their country. Unclaimed bodies were given a respectful burial with all religious rituals in Indian Territory.
Take the case of Pakistan whose army, on number of occasions, tortured our brave hearts and after killing them severed their heads and limbs. There is hardly any need to give a detailed account of those heart rending, horrendous and barbaric instances whereby tenets of humanity and civilization were violated. In fact, since the country is day by day getting nearer to hard core Wahabi cult and having, therefore, congruence with the fundamentalist Jihadi terror outfits, they feel indulging in such acts as something laden with ordainment.
Why should Pakistan, otherwise, send its trained terrorists to this side to kill, destroy and devastate? Why should it be so much helpless in not closing terror factories in Pakistan and in PoK even after facing international isolation and its economy having parked at the gates of total bankruptcy? Had it not been enjoying highly subsidized oil sent by Saudi government, even it enjoyed in the past 50000 barrels of free oil per day, its economic condition would have been more critical as cheapest subsidized Saudi oil is critical to Pakistan’s economy. Kargil war was referred to in these lines to draw a comparison between the clashes of two civilizations, though the Pakistani Civilization has its origin in ancient Hindu civilization having been a part of this country. By a change of religious beliefs, the origin and the roots cannot be disputed.
From Samba – Hiranagar border near a Nullah , a few days back , three armed Pakistani terrorists entered Jammu to reach decided spots in the valley to indulge in their routine acts of violence but somehow, were eliminated in a long encounter as they were hiding in nearby jungles near Katra in Reasi district. How from the same point of infiltration , terrorists were ferried to Kashmir reportedly on more than one occasion by the same truck driver and his associate and how security grid could not be found strong enough to thwart such treacherous acts of the enemy, will be dealt with by the NIA.
Had there been some criticism of the apertures in the security system, it was under- stable from those who at the drop of the hat, are out to attack the present dispensation but following Standard Operating Procedures by the Army in shifting the dead terrorist from the encounter site by dragging it, has been widely condemned by self proclaimed champions of Human Rights. Strange enough, Congress Party spokesperson on Sept 14 lamented, “Like such a treatment to the body, the family of the dead terrorist gets perturbed.” Why should there be so much of feelings for the family of a dead Pakistani terrorist unless it is something beyond that Rashid Alvi felt for the dragging of the terrorist. Why should he have not gathered his “right to free speech” when his leader Gulam Nabi Azad is declaring that the army kills civilians more than the militants”. Why not, when Sandeep Dixit – another Congress leader calls the Army Chief “like a Sadak ka Gunda”?
Why should have others lagged behind in decrying the act forgetting conveniently about the possibility of an IED or a booby trap planted on the body of the intruder getting detonated like in Pathankot encounter, where Lt. Niranjan got martyred when he tried to lift the body of a slain terrorist besides causing serious injuries to two others. The act has been called as “barbaric”. Others have called it as “illegal” and “condemnable”. A serving “professor” at the Kashmir University maintains that even the “Vilest person’ would respect a dead body, this conduct fetches awards and trophies in India”.
However, none of these “champions” were seen expressing the same “considered” views about mauling of the bodies of Indian army men and in most of the cases, severing their heads. None of these liberal champions raised the same voice when Dy. SP Mohammad Ayub was thrashed and kicked to death and his body dragged outside a mosque in Srinagar. None spoke how instances of Kashmiri Army men having gone home on leave to celebrate Eid were kidnapped, tortured and shot dead. None from these spoke on Army man Aurangzeb tortured to death when he was going home on leave. None expressed shock over many Jammu and Kashmir policemen attacked and martyred leaving their families in lifelong distress. These Human Rights activists run shops either for personal gains or insulating themselves from the wrath of terrorists whom they call “militants” and many a time, as “freedom fighters”.
It stands to no logic that these champions advocate for Tukday Tukday Gang, giving moral support to them in University campuses under the alibi “freedom of speech crushed and muzzled”. These University Campuses are the same ones where “celebrations” were made by particular thinking and political leaning groups over 75 brave hearts of our security forces treacherously trapped and martyred by Maoists in Dhantewada, Chattisgarh. These Human Rights Champions who beat their chests over a dead terrorist dragged from the encounter site by Indian valiant army, whose dearest lives are always at razor edge stake in fighting the cowards , never ever speak a word of sympathy for them let alone visiting their families even for the sake of elementary courtesy.
These “champions”, get tremendous physical, monetary and ethical strength to voice, support and fight for the rights of those who want to subvert the constitution, undermine the sovereignty and integrity of this country while shedding tears as an alibi and a cover under “dissent muzzled”. These types of people write petitions and garner support openly even for condemned terrorists like Yaqub Memon and the Apex Court’s doors are knocked at during the dead of night for justice. Worse, these champions advocating for freedom, liberty, freest speech, endorsing those speaking and doing anything against the country and are brazenly selective in choosing “cases” to fight for, depending upon where they could get more prominence by getting defamed even and this culture has spread like an epidemic across the country engulfing intellectuals and political leaders of a particular group and thinking.
The hue and cry over five sympathiser activists having Maoist terror links who were held on specific proofs against them is unjustified and unwarranted. For these urban Maoists, courts were approached, rallies and support organised, debates and seminars held even for those ones who under “secular democratic” Congress rule on similar charges were imprisoned for years. Can it be accounted for as to what basis is there for a convicted Naxal in Congress rule becoming a human rights activist in NDA rule? Varavara Rao was arrested multiple times between 1973and 1986 in different cases including 1986 Ramnagar case, is now projected as innocent in Modi’s rule.
Gautam Navlakha was not allowed to enter Kashmir in the year 2011 by Congress NC government but this time, he is praised for writing against AFSPA but not how Kashmiri Pandit community was hounded out in 1990. Aruna Ferreira, Sudha Bhardwaj, Vernon Gonzalves are all projected as innocents and victims of the “suppressive measures” of Modi government. They “reject” any such thing like proofs of “Proposed concrete steps to end the Modi Raj, thinking along the lines of another Rajiv Gandhi like incident”. Shame is even ashamed.